End of Promptathon #01

Nov 01, 2007 12:22

Promptathon #01 is now officially closed. Thank you to everyone who participated in it, by writing, by reading, by submitting prompts, etc.

In total we had twelve stories split between seven pairings and five fandoms, and written by six authors.

The stories are all saved in memories duly filed by the name of the pairing. In addition, all the stories are under Promptathon #01

They can also be accessed via the tags post. Posts are tagged by fandom, pairing, the number of the promptathon, and also by author.

The next promptathon will be in the New Year, as we're aware that a lot of people (including both of us) are rather busy with other ficathons, promptathons, etc. during this time of the year.

Thank you all once again for supporting our first Older Not Dead (Love for the over 40s) promptathon.

Nikki & Aingeal

!promptathon 01: estab relationships, !round-up post, !!admin

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