Master and Commander, Jack and Stephen. Prodigiously Lucky

May 20, 2011 17:50

TITLE: Lucky
AUTHOR: Ashley-Pitt
FANDOM: Master and Commander
CHARACTERS: Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin
PROMPT: Master and Commander. Prodigiously lucky, weren’t we?
GENRE: Slash
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I borrow them once in awhile, but put them away tidily.

Jack stopped playing and just stood, smiling at Stephen.

“Brother, what is wrong? Did you wound a string?”

“I was just thinking how prodigiously lucky we have been.”

Stephen took the moment to rosin his bow. “You are known as Lucky Jack, you know.”

“No,” Jack said as he put down his violin. “You do not smoke my meaning.”

“We have reached an age nearing that of Methuselah and we still have our wits about us, most of our teeth, and nearly all our parts.
Oh, I am missing the odd chunk or two, but we can both still play our instruments and make mostly pleasing sounds.”

“Mostly pleasing?” Stephen asked mildly,

“That I attribute to fault of the instruments sustaining melodic changes due to varying climes and atmospheres, not to the fault of the musician.” Jack said quickly seeing he was in dangerous waters,

“ Oh.”

Jack moved across the room and stood behind Stephen. He placed his hand on Stephen’s cheek. “We are also lucky that we have each other.”
Stephen reached up and grasped Jack’s hand. He turned it over and softly kissed the rough calloused palm.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Jack quickly put his hand behind his back.


Killick clattered into the room. “Which don’t the toasted cheese come after the playing?”

Killick arranged the food on the table and left.

Jack looked at Stephen. His brow knotted into a frown. Quietly he said, “Do you think he knows?”

A faint voice from the other side of the door replied to no one in particular, "Which it is a good thing that some people finds each other. And which it is also a good thing that some people don’t see certain things.”

fandom: master and commander, author: ashley_pitt, !promptathon 07: sickness & health, pairing: jack/stephen

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