Ahh Book Awards

Apr 20, 2014 22:35

*there will be bad words so if bad words and harsh language upset you...I'd suggest not reading any further. Up to you of course but *shrug* Suffice to say don't come crying and whinging to me when your offended by my language. You have been warned. This will also probably be a lonnnng freakin post too. that is all*

"Holy SHIT! He's posting?" Why yes...yes I am. So stop your grinnin and drop your linen, drop those socks and grab your....errr...ahhh hell just grab hold of something.

Get your hands out of your pants you perverts! Jaysus Jumpin H! *headshake*

Anyway, onward to the subject that brings us together today. Which alas, AIN'T love.

Any Larry Corriea fans in the house? Well Larry a wee bit ago called upon his fans to join in the Sad Puppy Campaign to get him on the Hugo nomination list. Larry's fans being his fans...many responded to the call and Larry is now among the nominees for Single Novel, for the 3rd installment in his Grimnoir Chronicles series. http://io9.com/announcing-the-2014-hugo-award-nominees-1565144494 Congrats Larry. Now some of the........"proper" crowd are all aflutter and atwitter and.........screw it. They got their granny panties in wad and are also suffering from major wedgies apparently. Frankly, considering some of the commentary in the soon to be linked articles? I'd not be surprised if their attacks of righteous indignation doesn't lead to a blood pressure spike and really bad case of heart failure. Or quite possibly as some of you are probably eagerly awaiting...for the pressure spike to lead to their head going boom in 'splodey' gooey goodness all over the walls.

First up this one...
http://www.donotlink.com/framed?26218. In which after ooohhing and ahhing over the nominees she agreed with, she then went on minor tear against those she didn't. She like many didn't like the rules technicality that allowed the nomination of not just one book of the Wheel of Time series but the entire fucking series...in the Single Story Category. I can state for the record, that I unabashedly agree with her on that one. Actually most everything I've read agrees. I do believe the general consensus can be summed up thusly "WTF? ya'll who did this are out of your minds...and we really need to change that particular rule because this is bloody ridonkulus. But onward... Perpend....

"What I agree with, even less, is the campaign that went on to stuff the ballot box on the part of Larry Correia and Vox Day. They each wrote a post, shortly before the nominating deadline, exhorting their readers to submit a particular ballot. You can see their posts here and here (both are donotlinkified for your and my protection). I would be extremely interested to know how many ballots match that list in all respects. I would also be interested to know how many supporting memberships were bought for spouses, children, and extended family who did not actually submit those ballots. It would be ridiculously easy to game the nominations that way. Ridiculously.

It’s also potentially a violation of Article 6.2:

Natural Persons. In all matters arising under this Constitution, only natural persons may introduce business, nominate, or vote, except as specifically provided otherwise in this Constitution. No person may cast more than one vote on any issue or more than one ballot in any election. This shall not be interpreted to prohibit delivery of ballots cast by other eligible voters.

Not that it can be proven, of course-I assume they were smart enough to use different email addresses and mask their IPs when they voted on behalf of their grandparents and spouses. As Renay said on Twitter, this was gross and manipulative and not in the spirit of the award.

I am, very much, looking forward to ranking “No Award” higher than Vox Day, Larry Correia, Brad Torgerson, Dan Wells, Steve Diamond, and Toni Weisskopf."

So what she's not so subtly insinuating is all the votes that allowed the following nominees she didn't like to get on the ballot...were done by a small minority of the fans of the people she don't like, who went out and paid their $40 in their own name for Loncon membership, and then went and spent even more money for multiple names and email addresses so they could "stuff the ballot box", in other words...to game the system. Which would be positively chicago machin..ish if the fans had actually done such a thing. She backed off a little bit later in the comments I believe and if I find it I'll post it here. That being said this smacks of the very elitism the "proper" folk claim to despise and eschew. Which to me speaks of raging hypocrisy.

On to the comments and my comment commentary!

Vox Day responded to part of it thusly..
"In answer to the latter question: zero. Sure, we could easily game the nominations that way. But we didn’t. Larry has more readers than anyone in the field except Martin and MAYBE Gaiman. I have more blog readers than anyone in the field period. We didn’t have to do anything more than Scalzi and a number of other people have done.

We didn’t make the new rules, we’re just playing by them and proving our case."

I don't read VD so I don't have a dog in his hunt but...I love the blog owner Natalie's response to Vox..

"Natalie Luhrs says

April 19, 2014 at 5:34 pm

@Vox: I don’t believe you, not one bit. Don’t comment here again, either. "

She doesn't believe him when he states that, those she doesn't like came by the nominations honestly and not by "gaming" the system? Well that's fine. She also just told him to fuck off and die and never darken her doorstep again. *shrug* Her perogative, it's her blog. A trifle intolerant and insensitive though to come from someone that is I gather from the "tolerant and sensitive" libprog left.

then there's this exchange....
"Joseph says

April 19, 2014 at 6:58 pm

@Natalie Luhrs: You really don’t like when your fragile reality is attacked do you?

Gods forbid that the fans actually nominate someone they enjoy reading. Someone that isn’t pushing whatever message fic is trendy today. You know, an author who actually tells an entertaining story that people are willing to pay money for.

I hope Larry, Vox and the others do win. They deserve. They actually entertain their legion of fans.

Paul says

April 19, 2014 at 7:36 pm



It’s not the “people nominating what they like”. People are entitled to doing that.

However, the “sample ballots” posted by Larry Correia, etal, feels awfully like Boss Tweed machine politics. “Vote the VD/LC slate”. “Upset the applecart by voting this slate. Make the Pink SF crowd cry!”

It’s spiteful."

Whoa dude. So someone nominating an author they like because the author asked for help is upsetting the apple cart and spiteful? Wow.

It continues on..
Joseph says

April 19, 2014 at 7:41 pm

@Paul : Spiteful? Are you kidding me? Larry is just doing what the Special Snowflake crowd has been doing all along. He energized his fan base to vote for him. Nothing spiteful in any of that.

I mean hey, a book that actually entertains a huge portion of the science fiction fandom might actually win a Hugo! Why is that a bad thing? Why should the obscure message fic crap that all the Special Snowflakes fawn over be the one that only wins?

Why is it that the authors who think correctly are the ones who are lauded? Are you people so afraid of Joe and Jane Sci-Fi reader? You know, people who pay money to be entertained and not be force fed some stupid preachy crap in their entertainment?
Paul says

April 19, 2014 at 7:55 pm
verily Paul sayeth...

Spite. I can’t look into Larry and Theodore’s hearts, but their motivation seems clear as day to me: Show up those they disagree with politically and socially.

Or to quote Larry Correia

“”Don’t forget to nominate. The cut off is coming up fast. It doesn’t do any good to send $40 to combat Puppy Related Sadness if you don’t nominate :)”

Hell Paul....I thought that was simply good marketing. Also poking fun at people, like yourself who get all indignant and boycottee when someone whose politics that you don't like gets in something you consider sacred ground. It's typical. It's also...human.

After this Natalie chimed in with the following..
@Joseph: I don’t like assholes. And you’re starting to annoy me. Ahhh. I know Joseph so I can state for the record he's not being an asshole Natalie darlin'. Not yet anyway. He's pushing and pushing your buttons, but he's not being an asshole.

Then there's Ann. Oh my I likes Annie I do.

Ann Somerville says

April 20, 2014 at 12:15 am


“a perfect example of the vitriol and hatred towards those of us… ”

who think women are second class citizens, that black people are savages, that whites are superior to all other races, that Muslims should be murdered out of hand, that female children should be allowed to drown, and can’t tell the difference between a man satirizing rape culture and actual rapists.

In other words, people who really, really, *really* deserve vitriol and hatred.

Oh and who write like shit too. When your brain is full of white supremacist MRA crap, there isn’t any room for talent.

Holy shit! what a wagon load of twat waffling, flim flaming mind fuckery. I wonder who she could be referring to? Not Larry. See Larry is a wise latino and he keeps on stealin all our women folk. Stop that Larry! Share you greedy bastard and leave some for the rest of us. Can't be Brad Torgenson. Brad's alright...good people. Can't be Toni...Toni is fucking awesome and I say that as a reader not a writer. Vox? from what little I've skimmed of his bloggery...he just really likes to start shit and point out some fallacies; and doesn't give any more of a shit than I do about who he pisses off. As far as black people being savages? Newsflash..some of them haven't risen above that yet frankly. I give you the playground of pusfilled pustules masquerading as men, the home of horrendous homicide, where the game of genocide is played constantly...AFrica! Hell I give you Rwanda, 1994 Where 800,000 tutsi tribesmen, women and children were slaughtered in a mere 3 months by their Hutu rivals. The Hutu's preferred weapon of slaughter was the Machete, lovely bunch. http://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/genocide/rwanda.htm That's just one of the more recent and blatant examples. I won't even bother to point out what those living the "thug life" here in teh states get up to, but nothing ,outside of rape, nothing as horrendous as Rwanda that's for damn sure.

As for writing like shit? Larry at least makes bank. He was able to leave his 9-5 to write full time. I'd say that's not writing like shit. OTOH...there are a great many poopular fiction writers, well known names to many, that are constantly touted in the NYT etc, that I think write unadulterated shit. No that's not true...I think a lot of whats out there is just the same vomitous mass, regurgitated to the reading public to chew on before swallowing it only to regurgitate it themselves later and chew on it some more. But I digress.

Here's someone else that I know returning Ann's condescension to her.
Jonathan says

April 20, 2014 at 12:47 am

And there Ann goes, making an ass out of herself. Why’s that kiddies? Because she likes to assume!

You see folks, Ann doesn’t actually know a single damned thing about me. She doesn’t know whether I’m black, white, brown or yellow, she just assumes that I’m white and begins to rant. She doesn’t know if I’m a father, and if I am, the gender of my child.

As for the wife, well, I’m simply stating what I intend to do with my time, namely spend it with my wife. I happen to hate reading aloud- she likes listening to me read. Therefore I read aloud to her.

All you’ve shown thus far is that you’re a racist, ignorant leech who needs help remembering to breathe in, and breathe out,

Hey delagar, if you need help pulling your head out of your ass, here’s a helping hand- I hadn’t heard of Vox Day before the whole dust-up with SFWA . Still haven’t read anything by him. Probably won’t anytime in the next five years, because I am that damned busy.

Please feel free to keep this going, you’re all providing me with a good chuckle over the pitiful state of your supposed brilliance.

To which delgar responded..
delagar says

April 20, 2014 at 12:55 am

Sorry, Jonathon, I don’t believe a word you boot-lickers say. Just SOP.

Shouldn’t you be getting back to your hot blonde wife? Or is she in Canada for the weekend?

Boot lickers? ROFLOLOLOLOLOLOL Delgar don't know the people he's insulting very well, or really...not at all. See I talk to Jonathon from time to time so I know at some of what he's busy with.

Ahhh...more from Natalie....
Natalie Luhrs says

April 20, 2014 at 10:38 am

Just a few general comments, I”m not going to bother responding to some of this nonsense.

Naturally, people can and do campaign for the Hugo. People talk about who they’re nominating and what works they have that are eligible. This is a thing that happens. What is different, to me, in this case is that it’s not clear that people actually nominated things that they had read and loved. Instead, there is an awful lot of overlap between the fiction nominees and the ballots proposed by both Larry Correia and Vox Day-the former posted last year that he was trying to stack the nominations so he’d get one. I have no reason to believe that his motivations were any different this year. John Scalzi mentioned his eligibility several times, talked about folks he was likely to nominate, but didn’t cross what-FOR ME-is a line. You should nominate what you’ve read and loved and not what someone else tells you to nominate.

As for people buying multiple supporting memberships: I am sure people do it every year. My concern, this year, is that it was done in support of what I feel is an inappropriate manipulation to score points off of fandom. I’m going to go ahead and quote Renay again-she’s saying things much better than I can:

The difference between authors who encourage their fans to take part, to nominate what they like the best whether its work by themselves or other creators, and what Correia and Day did is stark to me. One is about love: of genre, of fans, of fans being passionate about things they love. The other is about malice and jealously. If the only way you can be celebrated for your work is by gaming the system, fellas, I gotta say, you’ve already lost.

Ahhh there you go continuing on with your assumption. I have mentioned assuming is a bad thing right? No? Fuck. Guess I forgot. Assuming is a bad thing because it makes an ass out of you, and supposedly me; but I'm ain't the one making the assumptions.

Note the part where she says she's sure that multiple membership purchases by one person go on every year but the only reason she's objecting to it now IF it happens and one of her commenters was a member of the Hugo Awards committee and refutes thatis because it was done for and at the behest of someone she hates, due to political differences? Now that truly is blatantly heinous hypocrisy.

Then here's another link or two to peruse..


"One can only sigh at Larry Correia's Warbound, Book III of the Grimnoir Chronicles (serious, sigh) making it onto the best novel ballot, or Toni Weisskopf's best editor, long form nomination. "

Opinions vary. Oh and guess what? Other people can do the sigh of condescension too. Me included.

Here's the link to the Hugo Nominees by the way.


Here's the thing boys and girls. You want to hate or hold in contempt someone because of their political beliefs? Feel free, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea FUCKING culpa, but try [note I said try...not necessarily expecting you to succeed just try..] to judge their artistry fairly and without any of that vitriol influencing your perception of their work and it's viability for an award.
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