Music On the Back Burner

Nov 06, 2004 00:56

I spent a majority of the day working on my writing. For the past few weeks I've been slacking off and need to get my style back in shape. Lately there isn't much more to talk about other than the election. Though I'm a political fiend, I do enjoy other topics as well. After atleast two or three hours of trying to come up with something I took a brake and gave my buddy, Jason (Hawaii) a call. We've been friends for a few months now. He first started sending me his poetry every day. It was always something new to look forward to. Since then we've been talking here and there, rambling on about present day issues and well, basically everything that you would expect me to talk about. We're a lot alike and we hope to maybe get together some day and make a some music. Speaking of music, Luke and I will be calling it quits for now until we're settled in MI and can start up a new band.. we may keep the original name, Nathan but there is also talk of renaming the band, Cozy. When we are ready to make music again, I think that we'll be taking a different approach and trying new styles. We've had our fill of new wave disco and feel that we're ready for something more down to earth. This time, we're most likely going for a more 70's rock n' roll sound. We're both big fans of music from that decade and it's much, much harder to make so we'll have to put more thought into it. Its a fun little pass time but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it forever.. actually, I don't want to do it forever.
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