Title: Half Life Pairing: House/Wilson; House/OFC Rating: R Length: 29,591 Spoilers: takes place after season 3, AU to season 4 Author's Notes: Many thanks to my wonderful betas,
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I just... words fail. This was beautiful and achy all at once. The end had me sniffling. I want to be more coherent about this but I just... wow. I'll have to reread it.
I snuck in a read of this before the archive went live. Great job. I like the way you made the story seem so trapped, almost -- House in the camp, Wilson unable to do anything about it -- but kept so many plotlines going at the same time. In the end, House didn't solve the puzzle of the disease and that didn't matter.
The first half was so tense and frustrating, all those feelings of anger and despair were so brilliantly written that my stomach was clenching in sympathy. House's escape gave me brief hope that he would be able to come up with a cure, but his acceptance of the inevitable seemed right somehow. I loved the interlude of happiness when they were tucked away in the cabin.
You did a remarkable job keeping our heroes in character and that's what made this so believable.
As for the ending - my daughter asked me why I was crying at my computer...
I thought about trying to work in some kind of happy ending, but it didn't seem right somehow. And actually I think the ending is kind of happy. A bit. If you squint... maybe.
Oh God that was BEAUTIFUL. I'm not usually a fan of werewolf type AU fics, but this was just wonderful. Really well written, really well plotted out. So sad. I think the ending was as happy for House as it could have been... but I feel for Wilson, left behind.
And I remember when you posted that you'd lost the whole thing and had to start over... amazing that you managed to write this in those circumstances, and so well! *is awed*
I figured I'd scare off a fair number of readers with the premise. And I went ahead and wrote it anyway ;) Glad you liked the ending.
Yeah, that whole delete thing really sucked. I lost the majority of my artwork at the same time, which was ultimately a bigger deal than deleting the story. I think the story is actually better now than it was going to be. So, that's good, right?
Comments 48
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And I'm looking forward to reading yours, too :)
Sorry about the 'surprise' sad ending - I thought warning for it would ruin everything. Glad you liked it :)
Now, I'm off to read yours. Again.
Cheers, and so very well done.
Armchair Elvis.
Glad you enjoyed it. Writing this was certainly challenging and I'm happy things seemed to come together.
But I'd better say something.
The first half was so tense and frustrating, all those feelings of anger and despair were so brilliantly written that my stomach was clenching in sympathy.
House's escape gave me brief hope that he would be able to come up with a cure, but his acceptance of the inevitable seemed right somehow. I loved the interlude of happiness when they were tucked away in the cabin.
You did a remarkable job keeping our heroes in character and that's what made this so believable.
As for the ending - my daughter asked me why I was crying at my computer...
I thought about trying to work in some kind of happy ending, but it didn't seem right somehow. And actually I think the ending is kind of happy. A bit. If you squint... maybe.
Thanks for the nice comments!
And I remember when you posted that you'd lost the whole thing and had to start over... amazing that you managed to write this in those circumstances, and so well! *is awed*
I figured I'd scare off a fair number of readers with the premise. And I went ahead and wrote it anyway ;) Glad you liked the ending.
Yeah, that whole delete thing really sucked. I lost the majority of my artwork at the same time, which was ultimately a bigger deal than deleting the story. I think the story is actually better now than it was going to be. So, that's good, right?
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