I'm a flirt!

Jun 24, 2007 23:18

I love that song. I love R. Kelly.

I stole this from Jordan.

1. Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?
Yes. Two of them.

2. Can you see a phone right now?
If I swivel around in my swively chair.

3. What are you listening to?
Ryan Star- We Might Fall

4. Where is it coming from?
Speakers beside my monitor.

5. Last thing you ate?
Mazzio's Pizza and Salad

6. What was the last thing you saw on TV?
It's been a few days.....prolly So You Think You Can Dance?

7. Who was the last person other than family you saw?
Jordan. :)

8. Are labels/stereotypes good?
Labels are good for knowing what things are and what they are made of. Stereotypes are good for knowing what kind of stereo you are buying.

The last alcoholic beverage you tasted?
I had a glass of wine the other night with my mom.

10. Song stuck in your head?
Um...I'm listening to one right now so I don't have one stuck yet.

11. Do you dance while getting ready for whatever?
The better question is when do I not dance?

12. What are you wearing?
My Vandy football shirt and running shorts

13. Do you like techno?
meh. I don't mind it but I could go without it.

14. Have you ever been to a night club?

15. Have you ever made out on a plane?
 No. But that'd be awesome. Mile High Club BABY!!

16. Do you have leadership skills?
I guess so sometimes. Other times I just don't want to deal with stuff.

17. Does the song Stairway To Heaven make you sad?
No. Overrated.

18. Do you have any instruments in your room?
A ukalale and a magical recorder!

19. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
3 that don't matter. One that does.

20. Are you currently pregnant/have you recently gotten someone pregnant?
It is not possible for me to be pregnant.

21. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yes. The most awesome one ever to live. :*

22. Are there any animals around you at the moment?
Bootsie is right outside my door....being a devil.

23. Ever thought you were going to get married?
I better or else I'll be really sad.

24. Last person you told you loved?
My sister.

25. Last person who told you they loved you?
My sister.

26. Favorite time of day?
From 7:45-9:00 pm. The sunsets are beautiful.

27. Favorite video game?
Bloody Roar II. Shena the Leopard! Jenny the Bat sucks.

28. Cat person or dog person?
I like both. I have both.

29. Tan or pale skin?
Pale is the new tan.

30. You're deserted on an island, what do you have with you?
A yacht. DUH.

31. Favorite lyrics?
Basically anything by Jason Mraz....namely Sleeping to Dream. Look it up.

32. What do you want the most?
To be satisfied in all ways possible.

33. Do you want children?
Three. Two of my own. One adopted.

34. Are you a lover or a fighter?
I'm a lover for sure...but I do have a little fighter in me.

35. Where is the last place you held hands?
In the parking lot outside Jordan's.

36. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
No. I don't believe in war. I'd die before I killed someone...so most likely I'd die real soon.

37. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
Who buys milk in a carton anymore?? But yeah, sure. And I don't even care if I get caught.

38. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
YES!! I won the school spelling bee in 4th grade. I went to regionals and got 3rd place. A 7th grader and an 8th grader got 1st and 2nd. I'm s-m-r-t.

39. Are you a fast typer?
Self taught thanks to AIM. I had to keep up.

40. Are you afraid of the dark?
No. I like the dark....but if my imagination gets away from me I might be.

41. What ended your last relationship?
He was a prick. Nuf said.

42. Do you knock on wood?
I wouldn't call it knocking.

43. Do you think you're smart?
yeah I guess I do.

44. Do you miss someone right now?
So much.

45. Do you know the muffin man?
That filthy scoundrel.

46. Do you talk in your sleep?
I've been known to mumble incoherently.

47. Do you remember your 1st crush?
Cord. Kindergarten.

48. Do you consider yourself successful?
It's a possibility.

49. Have you ever asked for a horse?
I've never ridden a horse.

50. Plans for tomorrow?

51. What did you do this past weekend?
Helped my sister move. It was so much fun.

52. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
No. I'm an angel. 0:)

53. What are you looking forward to?
The same as Jordan's answer.

54. If you could be stranded with one person for 24 hours, who would it be?
There are so many options. I'll say Andy Warhol but maybe Chris Farley?

55. Have you ever eaten dog food?
Yes. One time my mom made me eat a dog biscuit she had in her purse before I could order at a restaurant. True story.

56. Can you handle the truth?
I welcome the truth.

57. What 3 things do you always bring with you to places?
cell phone, ID, keys

58. Any cool scars?
The one where I cut my wrist open....accidentally!

59. How often do you talk on the phone?

60. Do you believe in love?
Above all things I believe in love. Love is a may splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love.

This weekend was exhausting. I helped my sister move. Jordan helped too. He's such a great guy. No joke. I like their new house. It was extreme potential.

I bought a new digital camera this weekend. It rocks. And a golf glove. whoot. I also get a new phone tomorrow. I can't wait to get rid of this piece of crap I have now.

Jordan's birthday is on Tuesday! I can't wait! Presents!!!! yay!!!! It's gonna be great.

I might go to a Viking Festival on Saturday. That would be interesting and exciting. We could go raiding!

Ok well I'm gonna go collapse into my bed now and not move for 8 hours.

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