
Jan 09, 2010 14:34

In the unlikely even someone actually reads this and and on the chance I forgot about your character, then go ahead and mention it. This was a rush job, after all.


=Sentinel Prime
        -- Skydive actually sort of likes Sentinel. As someone who is very much a follower, Skydive appreciates that Sentinel seems to have it together as a commander, and that he backed off when Skydive requested time.

        -- A friendly person who seems to care about his teammates. Skydive doesn't mind him at all.

       -- Neutral, but was previously a Predacon (read: Decepticon). Skydive didn't mind talking with him, but mostly ust doesn't know what to make of him.

       -- Somebody not from his time but still from Skydive's world. An Autobot flier. Wary of him as he seems to know Starscream.

       -- Doesn't seem to mind Skydive geeking out over the library. He also gave Skydive a notebook for Christmas, and even though Skydive can't read it he still appreciates it. Mostly, though, Perceptor's an Autobot who doesn't seem to have much of an issue with his loyalties. Skydive likes him.

      -- Likes him and finds him interesting, but is reserving judgement considering he met only truly Blurr while he was having something of a meltdown.

      -- Doesn't mind speaking to even if he doesn't trust her much. One of the people he has a vested interest in keeping fed.

      -- Decepticon and yet not a Decepticon. Skydive just doesn't communicate with Ravage because he's confused enough as it is without having to deal with an Autobot-lie Decepticon. Wants to say something about his grammar, though.

       -- Grammar. Learn you some. And ditch the faces. Doesn't mind Bumblebee too much aside from that, though the grammar thing is something that really gets on Skydive's nerves, so...

       -- Terrifies Blurr, but also comes from a united Cybertron that he was willing to explain to Skydive. Is torn between wanting to dig for more information and avoid him at all costs.

      -- Oh, boy. Skydive hates Starscream. This is true. It's also true that his hatred is less because Starscream almost killed him and more because he doesn't hate Starscream for almost killing him. He admired Starscream not for his personality, but for his skill. Starscream tricking him only made that admiration grow. He even still has a bit of a crush. So, yes, a lot of hatred.

       -- Thanks to Bakura he knows Soundwave's out there. He just doesn't know where, or when, or what Soundwave it is. Cue: paranoia.


       -- Someone kind, helpful, and friendly, but who can't be completely trusted for those reasons. Skydive can't trust that Bakura won't let slip something important to someone Bakura considers trustworthy and Skydive doesn't. Still, Skydive likes talking with Bakura, and appreciates being taught how to cook.

       -- Caring, possibly too much so. Skydive likes her and appreciates her talking to him and answering his questions. Finds her world and race fascinating.

       -- Helped him get a job.

     -- A person who probably needs someone to betray him so he learns to stop trusting everything that breathes. Troy's a bit of a sore spot for Skydive even though he's only talked to him once or twice, mostly because Skydive and his teammates were very much like him before they were almost killed.

   -- Showed him the MAC and helped him when he first arrived.

   -- Defective.

   -- Helpful, and Skydive appreciates that.
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