The Big Commitment

Feb 06, 2009 07:18

Ok, I've finally decided to get serious about working out, to such a degree I had to actually go head-to-head with my husband on this.

Here's the deal:  I'll be 42 this April.  That's 9 weeks away.  Sunday, I found a serious workout partner, found a gym close to him and on my way to work, joined it, and made a schedule that didn't intrude on Brian's time.

My workout will be from 5:30 am to 6:30 am, Mon, Tue, Thurs, maybe Friday, (and every other sunday since those are Brian's counseling days), with this workout budddy.  That gives me plenty of time to get to work.  Also, since I'm on a tight schedule, IT FORCES ME TO DO A WORKOUT in that amount of time... no goofing off or being lazy.

We started on Tues, then Thurs.  I workout at home on Wed just chest and arms.
This guy insists on a 10 min cardio before we start, which is good.

Now, I took measurements of different body parts to so that I can compare them again on my birthday, April 9th (I may or may not share those, haven't decided yet).

But here's the kicker, guys:  I weighed myself last Saturday, Jan 31.  I tipped the scales at 250 lbs.

This morning I weighed myself... 243.8lbs

That's almost a pound a day.  I feel great, full of energy, too.

I need to decide, based on the measurements I took, what areas of my body I want to build.  I'm pretty sure I'm leaning towards body sculpting as opposed to power lifting, which has been my previous MO.

As soon as figure out what goals I want, I'll post those, too.

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