Jan 2009 - the bloodiest Month Ever.

Jan 30, 2009 23:09

I'm really drunk, so please don't read too much into this.

In the middle of Dec 2008, I got assigned an impossible project that made absolutely no sense, had no clearly defined parameters, was ridiculously long, THE STUPIDEST PROJECT EVER CONCIEVED...  and was told that it had to be put into production by Jan 31.  Period.
No exception, extentions, excuses, discussions, explanations, reasoning, quantifying.. NOTHING!!!

Jan 31!!!   PERIOD!!!

I already knew I was going to fail.   I even planned on looking for another job in parallel with the project develoment.  Every day this month I wanted to scream or rip someone's head off.   Every morning  I got up exhausted from stress, miserable from hopelessness....   Nothing about this stupid project made any sense and the guy that thought it up couldn't give me any definitive answers on what the project SHOULD look like.

The lead tech manages to keep clear of this so that if it blows, he doesn't get any shit on him.  Smart guy, can't blame him, I would've done the same thing...

12 hour days, 13 hour days, 14 hours days, 16 hour days... they all ran together....  wanting to say something to my boss but knowing it wouldn't do any good and would eventually be used against me... so I kept my mouth shut...   every fucking day a god damned nightmare.....


Last night, I finally managed to successfully deploy the project into production.  Boss is happy.

I still have no fucking idea how I did it.  There really  must be a God.

I'm drunk.   Good night.
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