We're starting Spring early this year with an extra-long challenge at Clexmas.
Ever read a story where you were like, "Oh, that's so cool! And what if...."? Watch a vid that you wanted expanded to a story? See a graphic artwork that just begged for more background?
Here's your change to do it anew! (With permission ^^).
banner by the wonderful
ctbn60 This challenge is to make the Clex live again, in your own way.
Clexmas Twist 1: This is an open remix, not a reciprocal one. You don't have to offer your works up to do a remix, and you don't have to commit to do a remix if you offer. The two are separate from each other.
Clexmas Twist 2: The works open for remix will be limited to only the ones the offerer submits - their entire body of work is not available, just the submitted ones.
Clexmas Twist 3: This is an inspirational remix, not a literal rewrite one. We don't want the same work - we want something different from you based upon what loved about the other.
Because of the separation of offerings and remixes, we're doing this in two stages.
February 17 - March 8: Collect the offerings
March 9 - May 31: Remixing! Remixes can be posted to Clexmas as they're completed
June 1: Collect the links of works for a master post and distribute the banners ^^
See the details at
the Clexmas post.
Come and join the Clex fun! :)