Ленин с двумя кепками

Jul 26, 2014 14:19

В неплохо сработанном детективе ляп. Полицейский проверяет документы у некоей дамы, смотрит ее удостоверение, и отдает ей. Потом еще немного с ней беседует и снова отдает ей ее удостоверение.
Как пруф привожу фрагмент текста, чтобы видно было: один раз взял, два раза отдал.

Can I see some ID, Ma’am?”
“I’mOPS, Officer. I presume you’ve seen the uniformbefore.”
“Nature of the call, Ma’am. I just have to be sure.”
She got it out, and he took it from her, flipped it open. He
studied it briefly and handed it back to her, saying “Detective
Inspector.” He looked at Andrew. “You’re not OPS, Sir?”
“She said he was plainclothes,” called a voice from above. It
was Gail Caro. “They don’t look like cops. You can get a policeman’s
costume from a hundred stores in this town.”
“It’s okay,” called the officer. His nametag said K. Hutchins.
“They’re provincial, Ma’am.” He had his arm on Andrew’s
elbow and turned to his partner. “Constable Childress will
keep you busy for a couple of minutes, Sir. I’m going to talk to
your, um, partner.”
She watched Childress lead her ex-husband away helplessly.
Hutchins stepped away from the house and onto the lawn and
she followed him. The window on the second floor had closed
again.He handed her back her ID.

И что бедному переводчику делать?


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