I come with rec's!

Sep 27, 2009 17:59

Some none fandom ones even!

"Lem" is one of my favorite gay romances on the web. It is set in a very rural American West, with the protagonist riding the rodeo circuit as he completes high school and starts college. It is posted on Nifty, so gay fic written by a gay man for gay men so you will find the style different from much of what we see in this community. While it is a bit tough and raw, sweet and cuddly and deeply introspective wouldn't have suited the subject matter. Anyway, I'd love to hear what you think if you choose to read it.

Another one that I've recently found and enjoyed, this time set in a very rural Canadian West, is "Janus". It is about a young man who has just finished high school and who goes to a summer party with his older sister. This one is not terribly long and set over just one evening. There are graphic descriptions of bisexual sex, so if that is a squick for you... However, I'm not usually a big fan of male hetero porn and this, while graphic, struck me as reasonable and serving a purpose.

If you enjoy "Janus" there is another one that I can recommend by the same author, Eliot Moore. It is "Recovery". Slightly younger people this time, but the protagonist is once again bisexual and the setting is, for the most part, a very rural western Canada. This one is much more psychological than the two previous stories with the sex being woven over, under, and through the story but being at the same time somewhat remote from it. I also find Eliot a very interesting and preceptive person to chat with.

Anyway, I hope you find something to enjoy in these.
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