Sorry It's been a while since I really updated, class has been awfully busy.
I finally was able to patch some footage together, so check it out.
As for me, I'm doing alright. We leave early tomorrow morning for a homestay in the Springfield mennonite community. It should be interesting seeing Belize from the mennonite point of view. We have to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants in the heat, which I'm not looking forward to. The mennonites do it every day, so it can't be that hard.
Also, today we signed up four teams to compete in
La Ruta Maya, the longest canoe race in Central America. Its four days of canoeing, about 170 miles... Should be quite an experience. There are people who train all year for this, so there's no question about competing, but it should be a great time hanging out at camp and everything.
Dinner time,
Grace and Peace
-Joshua :fearless: Van Staalduinen