Oct 02, 2005 14:51
AndyB1687: i got 4 free tickets and already bought mine
brokehalo3: i thought fob played better than they usually do though
AndyB1687: so i sold the 4 for 7 dollars each
brokehalo3: that's one thing i do have to say
brokehalo3: why didn't you fucking sell it to me
AndyB1687: patricks vocals were better than norma
brokehalo3: definitely
AndyB1687: shit goes fast
brokehalo3: that's awesome that you did that though
AndyB1687: i found out i was getting them and they were gone
AndyB1687: yeah one of my friends didnt show up
brokehalo3: they were going for 125 a piece from the scalpers
AndyB1687: and a scalper was offering some kid a ticket for like 60 dollars
AndyB1687: and i went right up in front of them and said no bullshit 7 dollars
brokehalo3: hahahahahahahahaha
brokehalo3: fucking rad
brokehalo3: that's awesome
brokehalo3: was the scalper pissed?
AndyB1687: yeah the scalper was like woah man sell that to me
AndyB1687: and i was like 200 then
brokehalo3: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
AndyB1687: hes like man your fuckin crazy
brokehalo3: awessssommmmmmmeeeeeee
brokehalo3: that's so fucking cool
brokehalo3: dude that's so fucking cool
brokehalo3: you don't even know
AndyB1687: i was thinking and youre a piece of shit
AndyB1687: i know i felt great afterwards