Our second Christmas burglary

Dec 09, 2015 09:27

It's Christmastime again, and people need presents for their families and friends.  Last night one of them tried to get ours, which we didn't have anyway, because we don't do Christmas.  At about 10:50 PM, we heard our kitchen window break, followed by the follow-on sounds of the attempted entry.  We grabbed our guns and headed for the kitchen, shouting to the burglar to get out.  He ran off, and we didn't have to shoot.   Our last burglary was four years ago, on December 20, 2011.  That time, we called the cops.  They disrupted our lives for about an hour, looking around, asking questions, and gathering evidence; they terrorized the neighborhood with cars and a helicopter; and they arrested some poor innocent kid who happened to be in the area with a couple of buds in his pocket.  They never caught the burglar or recovered any of our property (not much was taken anyway:  as I say, we don't do Christmas).  This time we didn't call.  When the management office of the apartment complex opened for business in the morning, I walked over and told them what happened.  They say someone will be by sometime today to put in a new window.  It's good to live in a state where the right to keep and bear arms is still well respected.  The liberals are working on it, I know, but it'll take them longer than what's left of our lifetimes to get the guns that are already in our possession.  Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
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