
Dec 21, 2011 07:05

Our apartment was burglarized last night, about ten o'clock, while we were asleep. The burglars apparently believed no one was home and woke us up by trying to get through our locked bedroom door, then fled when they heard _wind_spirit_ react. They escaped with a couple of cameras, a photo scanner, an MP3 player, an assortment of batteries and accessories for those objects, an eight-pack of Gatorade, and two bottles of beer, which they drank outside the window by which they entered and left. Also a knapsack, which they emptied onto the floor so they could fill it with the other things they stole and thereby carry everything more easily. They wrought a fair amount of destruction. Among the objects destroyed was my notorious map case, in which was stored a couple of hundred dollars in coin. They could have easily opened the latches, but apparently assumed the latches were locked because they're equipped with locks. Though the map case was indeed destroyed, it was still closed, and the contents were intact, including the coins. We spent about three hours dealing with cops, including a crime scene investigator who lifted fingerprints. As soon as they could after they first arrived, they sealed the perimeter of the apartment complex and flew in a helicopter to try to find the burglars, but they were gone. The cops wound up arresting some unfortunate young man in the neighborhood who was carrying some weed and for whom they had a warrant, because he knew they were looking for him and panicked, attracting their attention, though it became obvious to them very quickly that he had nothing to do with the burglary. In a couple of hours I have to start dealing with my insurance company. I already sent my agent an email.
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