Pretentious drivel

Oct 14, 2011 12:26

Been reading a book. Not something I often do, but it was writ by a friend of a friend, name of Jim. Just published this year. The man in the middle, Plan R, gave _wind_spirit_ and me two copies. It's an attempt to teach modern-day seekers what Jesus taught and what the Buddha taught. It has its pluses and its minuses, and it's not something I'd ordinarily pick up, but I've been having a lot of fun with it over the past week. Today I got to the part where Jim describes a slide projector before using it in an analogy. I can imagine that he had a few people look at the manuscript early on, and a couple of the younger ones asked what a slide projector is. Or he expects the book to be around for a while, like Machiavelli's The Prince, comparably arcane but still in demand (come to think of it, I've read that too).

What Jim uses the projector for is to introduce his "Law of Projection," not to be confused with the popular but sinister Law of Attraction. The Law of Projection tells us that we experience what we project. True, of course, but inaccessible via the language. I recognize it as true because I already know it, though I have no idea how to convey it. And in accordance with the Law of Projection, as I'm going through the book, God is throwing situations at me that reflect what I'm reading. Jim's got himself one hell of an Accompanist, so it's been an amazing trip.

Then, sometime this morning, I followed a footnote and read Matthew 6. Part of the Sermon on the Mount, I suppose. I read it as if it were a translation of stuff I already know, rather than braced against the Spanish Inquisition. Wow! That's really something!
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