By the shores of Gitche Gumee...

Apr 27, 2010 08:14

_wind_spirit_ and I saw a movie yesterday evening - a movie I'd recommend to all my friends, especially those who haven't yet spent any time with me in the real world but would like to risk it. Indeed I left a voicemal message for _wind_spirit_'s twin sister this morning, telling her she must see that movie. She and her husband stay with us fairly often, and it's always moderately difficult all around. I hope the movie will give her a deeper insight into where I'm coming from, even though I can pass and the woman in the movie can't. The movie is classified as an indie drama, but _wind_spirit_ and I laughed out loud most of the way through it. We have the right, the way black folk have the right to use that taboo word among themselves. And from our perspective, it is hilariously funny!

The movie is called Snow Cake. See it!
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