Air Traffic Safety Systems. Key Term Acronyms

Apr 18, 2011 15:56

ADS-A - Automatic dependent surveillance - addressable
ADS - Automatic dependent surveillance
ADS-B - Automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast
AFCS - Automatic Flight Control System
AMASS - Airport movement area safety system
ARTCCs - Air route traffic control centers
ATCTs - Airport traffic control towers

CDM - Collaborative decision making
CDTI - Cockpit display of traffic information
CFC - Central Flow Control
CPDLC - Controller-pilot datalink communication
CTAS TMA SC - Center TRACON automation system traffic management advisor-single center
CZs - Control zones
Category (CAT) I, II, and III approaches

DH - Decision height
DL - Datalink
DME - Distance Measuring Equipment
DPs - Departure procedures
DSR - Display system replacement

ETMS - Enhanced traffic management system

FIRs - Flight Information Regions
Free Flight - Phases 1, 2, and 3

GPS - Global Positioning System

HOCSR - Host/oceanic computer system replacement

IFR - Instrument flight rules
ITWS - Integrated terminal weather system
Integrated ground telecommunications infrastructure

LAAS - Local-area augmentation system

NAS - National Airspace System
NAS-wide information service
NASP - National Airspace System Plan
NDB - Nondirectional beacon
NEXCOM - Next-generation air/ground communications
NEXRAD - Next-generation weather radar
NPA - Nonprecision approach
NRP - National route program

OASIS - Operational and supportability implementation system
OTS - Organized track system

PA - Precision approach
pFAST - Passive Final Approach Spacing Tool

RVR - Runway visual range

SIDs - Standard instrument departures
SMA - Surface Movement Advisor
SMS - Surface management system
STARS - Standard terminal automation replacement system
STARs - Standard arrival routes
STCA - Short term conflict alert

TCAS - Traffic Collision Avoidance System
TDWR - Terminal Doppler weather radar
TFM - Traffic flow management
TMA-SC - Traffic management advisor--Single Center
TMAs - Terminal maneuvering areas
TRACON - Terminal radar approach control

URET CCLD - User request evaluation tool--core capability limited deployment

VFR - Visual flight rules
VHF - Very high frequency
VMCs - Visual meteorological conductions
VOR - Very high frequency omnidirectional range

WAAS - Wide-area augmentation system
WARP - Weather and radar processor

atc, safety, aviation, dictionary

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