Jun 24, 2009 06:43
Hereabouts it's been raining steadily since about 1913.
There was a time when this did not bother me, I simply put on a waterproof layer and went about my business.
That was before I moved to the suburbs and had to drive everywhere. Many cars seem to have a device that is activated with the windshield wipers. This device injects extra levels of stupid into the driver. For reasons that any third grader can understand wet pavement increases the time/space needed to accelerate or decelerate. Most drivers think that it decreases the time/space needed.
So a car ahead of me is stopped waiting for a gap in traffic to take a left turn. A gap appears. Driver of car stands on gas and spins wheels, driver of car coming in opposite direction stands on brakes. Car decelerating loses traction and slows fitfully, car accelerating gets traction and shoots like a rocket into car decelerating. That part of the intersection not blocked by two dead cars is a tire slashing debris field.
So, we continue to continue
to pretend
our lives will never end
and chassis never bend
with the rainfall.