...let's see if I can get it there before he parts company with another network, hm?
The new letter:
January 4, 2012
Dear Mr. Olbermann:
So this was supposed to be your birthday present last year. I carefully packaged it up and got it in the mail...six hours before you signed off from 30 Rock for the last time. The package was refused and returned to me the following week, and it has kept me company at my desk for the past year.
And what a year it has been. You and your fans have seen incredible highs and soul-crushing lows over the past twelve months, and as I write this, it appears the roller coaster has left the docks again. (Better watch now, things could go wrong in a hurry....) Through it all, though, your words have kept us company.
Some of the things you've said have made me laugh; some of them have made me cry. Some of them have made me angry. (At any number of people...you included, at times.) But all of them have made me think, and that is all too valuable a talent in this day and age.
So once again, I thank you. And no matter what happens, I'll be watching this space.
Wishing you the very best,
Edit: Our letter carrier picked it up about 40 minutes ago. After waffling over the concept for a bit, I wound up putting (fairly plain) Happy Birthday! stickers on the sides of the box; whether this increases the odds of it actually getting delivered, $DEITY only knows.
Further updates as events warrant.