Countdown for Monday, November 14, 2011

Nov 14, 2011 16:25

#ShowPlug 1: #OccupyOakland swept out; Mayor Quan's legal adviser @DanMSiegel quits in protest - he's our special guest on Countdown

#ShowPlug 2: SWAT breaks up #OccupyChapelHill as "anarchists." Guest: Char. Observer's @KatelynFerral forced to lie on ground for 15 mins

#ShowPlug 3: Libya, Libya, oh have you met Libya, Libya The Tattooed Lady? Herman Cain self-destructs again, this time a la Rick Perry

#ShowPlug 4: Gov. Corbett (R-PA) goes for #PennState political hay asking 'where was law enforcement,' forgetting HE was Attorney General

#ShowPlug 5: Can judge who was volunteer for Sandusky's charity, granted him bail, be removed? @CatherineCrier joins me

#ShowPlug 6: Banned by Lincoln Museum: O'Reilly butchers Lincoln book, cites Oval Office meeting, 44 yrs before there WAS an Oval Office

#ShowPlug Last: @JohnWDean joins me as the man who screwed up Malmedy, Churchill, Marie Antoinette, Nixon + Mao, screws up Lincoln

occupy wall street, official countdown thread, bill o'reilly, john dean, penn state

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