Keith is looking askance at me as I sing a chorus of "Back In The Saddle Again"
ShowPlug1: GOP's Blackmail Letter to Bernanke: Stop us from tanking the economy + we'll screw you in '12. W/
@NiaWaPo Nia-Malika Henderson
ShowPlug2: The political implications of the unprecedented Boehner-Cantor-Kyl-McConnell letter, with Xavier
@RepBecerra D-CA
ShowPlug3: New Perry Apocalypse Campaign video also includes dogwhistle to birthers while Rollins warns of Perry skeletons. w/
@SamSteinHP ShowPlug4:
#OccupyWallStreet and why it is NOT occupying your newspaper or tv with my high school bud
@Will_Bunch ShowPlug5: Scott Walker pushes jobs site - 20% of jobs not in his state. Jobs, Unions, Class Warfare, w/ex-Mich Gvr
@JenGranholm ShowPlugLast: Worsts: Billo threatens to quit; Louisville cancels his speech + right goes nuts over new Ben & Jerry flavor: Schweddy Balls