Nov 07, 2010 21:13




gifs, suspension, party post, images

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ayarane November 8 2010, 02:45:36 UTC
Tbh, I didn't join in on the outrage (especially when petitions got broken out) because I've seen this stuff happen before elsewhere and despite all the sound and fury, nothing happened in anyone's favor. (See: Shuster) I didn't (and still don't) want to become one of THOSE fans who become so emotionally-invested in someone on the tee-vee, especially considering I have MUCH bigger problems that I should be dealing with.

I was all about to do a post to the effect of "Say that Griffin piddles out Keith's contract or that Keith decides not to come back. What would you do? Are you prepared for that possibility?" because it looked like everyone and their cats were diving into the rage without considering the unpleasant possibilities. Of course I didn't WANT to see Keith ousted over something like this, but it has been my experience that petitions and boycotts and such generally do not work and are cast aside as "lol, internet tantrum, ignore them..." in the capacity of reinstating someone. (It works in the case of StopBeck and the previous DropDobbs because those ARE about getting someone booted.)

TL;DR; forgive me if I didn't join in on the collective RAGE AND INJUSTICE poopstorm. :|

All that said, Tuesday had better be extra-silly. Yes, that means bring back Worst Persons, too. Christmas is coming up, and Keith needs to slap Bill-O around because that clown is sure to dredge up the ZOMG WAR ON CHRISTMAS nonsense again.

Also... Keith? You have Monday off, there's still time to ninja your way out to Los Angeles and onto the Late Late Show to plug the hell out of your book. Just saying. >_>


bergeronprocess November 8 2010, 02:49:20 UTC
Trust me, I had considered that possibility. In fact, Shuster's mistreatment MADE me consider that painful possibility. I included that depressing tidbit ALONG with "rage and injustice" this weekend. I think this was not an "internet tantrum" (I was well insulted when StopBeck told us not to use boycotts and petitions for "tantrums"--what are we, a pack of screaming children wanting a teddy bear? FUCK NO) and as someone who participated in it, who looked at this through a critical media lens (what might Comcast have to do with it? why were others able to do this? etc), I guess I'm a little insulted by that characterization of this. (ETA: Consider. Phil Griffin's office voicemail was FULL by Friday afternoon. He must've received loads of email. People all over the political spectrum voiced their disapproval. Over 250,000 fans--nearing 300,000 really--signed this supposedly useless petition. I think somewhere in there, he might've realized he done goofed.)

Hell yeah we're emotionally invested in him, all of us--we post in a Livejournal community called OLBERFANNS. We refer to him by nicknames, we cherish his segments and tweets--you're in on it too, admit it and you'll feel better.

It wasn't a poopstorm. It actually got shit done.


ayarane November 8 2010, 02:54:20 UTC
Fair enough. Jaded Yoshi is jaded.

I shall now chew on my foot. *omnomnom*


dutchtulips November 8 2010, 03:16:31 UTC

It wasn't a poopstorm. It actually got shit done.

You bet your ass it did. :D When something's wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.


glaciachan November 8 2010, 04:18:56 UTC
Don't worry, I don't blame you. I dropped of the face of the internets, save for Deviantart and LJ commenting most of the weekend.


quietandmean November 8 2010, 07:08:23 UTC

That’s okay. I was kind of thinking some of the same questions RE: to the possibility that the petition wouldn’t work and either Keith would be fired or would quit. I would hate to see Keith ousted for something that seems so minor. That’s why I was wondering if the removal of WPITW had anything to do with this, like maybe something was up before his suspension this weekend. IDK?

I don’t know much about the success of petitions in the past, at least when they are used to bring someone back, but I am glad that it seemed to have some kind of impact. And being emotionally invested in not only the success of Countdown but also its host is due to the fact that Keith is an emotional guy and opens up to his audience on a number of issues; like his cancer scare and the loss of friends and loved ones. And now with his avid use of Twitter we see even more of his daily life w/ pictures!

Countdown has been on air for 6 or 7 years now, and I know that eventually it will run its course :( But I’m sure Keith will continue to achieve great things even after his show ends, hopefully in the distance future.


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