more Keith on Kos

Mar 02, 2010 00:03

This time, with another dad update :)

Gotta say I always thought afterlife/atheism/etc would take care of itself. Either there is, in which case you'd know, and pretty quickly. Or there wasn't. In which case you'd never ever ever have the slightest idea. I can't imagine a big sign appearing reading "Sorry!"

Politically, nothing should steel you more than knowing that the day NBC finally agreed to free me from our all-Lewinsky show in November 1998 and sold my contract to Fox Sports, as I went to the news conference to announce it I was intercepted in the lobby by John Moody, Fox's News VP, begging me to also work for him. This followed by a few months a note from Roger Ailes encouraging me to join him.

And then I became the devil.

As to my Dad, he was opening his eyes tonight. Not really seeing much, and he slipped quickly from bewildered inertia to sleeping with the eyes open. It's another step forward from Houdini. Part of his motivation to fight on has been the awareness that his story has become part of the HCR debate - I won't get all preachy but maybe there's a little role modeling possible here.

Original diary here:

internets!keith, personal_family, daily kos

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