Long time in the works... and originally intended as a 3v3 Brawl match, but then stuff happened and things changed and got redone and...
Aw, screw it. It's freaking Dan and Keith as Mario and Luigi! Bromance, dood, BROMANCE!
You get some Rachel as Toadette, too. (Rachel as Yellow Toad would have been... no. However, if I'd remembered to add Tweety... Yellow Toad would have been perfect!) Never mind that Toadette isn't actually IN New SMB Wii, but, dammit, she should have been!
Of course, Pundit Games is never complete without some kind of Bill-O abuse. Quite mild compared to how I could REALLY torture Bill-O in art, but Pundit Games is more about being funny about sticking it to Fox Noise. Dan and Keith fling Bill-O the Toad around, and he is not amused. Sucks for him, that loofah boy.
Go long, Keith! Who needs Fire Flowers anyway!
What WOULD Ed have been? A Yoshi? o_o And surely the other Fox News twats would make fine Koopalings.