Interesting interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali (former Dutch MP and now a resident scholar at the neocon
American Enterprise Institute) from The Spectator. I'm really conflicted aabout her, but nonetheless it is definitely enlightening to hear her insight considering she is coming from a very informed point of view.
‘Yes, I am at war with Islam,’
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you make a lot of really valid points as usual. essentially, she is holding up a lot of enlightenment age ideals up and wielding them in much the same sinister selve serving ways that the islamisists she criticizes use the koran. in doing this, she is proving her point and at the same time making her point moot.
i was really excited when i first heard about her, but the more i read the more she comes off as this brash (somewhat immature) anti-islam chauvinist who makes thes inflammatory comments not in the name of reason but because she was personally wronged and has a bone to pick. i'd rather ride with someone who is really grappling with these questions towards some progressive agenda. anyone touting the capitalist neocon ideology as "the right choice" and/or the alternative to fundamentalism is not someone who's going to get my support. if she doesn't understand the ways in which neocon ideology works hand in hand with the (almost as--if not more--dangerous) Christian fundemantal agenda, then she really needs to drop the mic, go home, and read up.
in related news, Bengali feminist writer Taslima Nasreen is being run out of Calcutta by menacing Islamic fundamentalists.
anyway, you sound a lot less conflicted about her than i'd imagined in the above, actually. the neo-con allegiance is a tough one for me to swallow. especially since the american enterprise type crowd is the one beating the drums about iran, and iran (as far as i can tell... and the american press doesn't make it easy) is one of the few places in the middle east where a real movement exists against fundamentalism. these arguments also make me think of the refugee crisis in iraq, and how many more thousands of refugees ended up in syria and lebanon than in the "enlightened" west. sometimes i wonder if the notion of "barbarism" is taken too simply for granted when i read these "let's-keep-it-real-islam-is-evil" type arguments. as you mention above, i'm not sure these people are taking a big enough look at the picture.
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