I'm not saying that kids (poor kids, especially) don't urgently need access to healthy foods, I'm just saying that the more I read about fat and its effects, the more I don't believe the hype.
I'm not holding the CDC up as the most reliable body in all the land but I see the effects of the obesity problem walking around me every day. It's not all hype.
As a fat kid who exercises, is healthy and active, and has no cholestrol or blood pressure problems, I'm inclined to disagree. I think the problem is less to do with fatness and more to do with the crap diets that most people eat, either by choice or by access. I'd imagine you'd see more of the effects of the cigarettes/vodka (meth.coke.dope.pills)/slice problem, or at least I did when I lived in nyc. Maybe you notice the fat people more because everything in this culture encourages us to disapprove of fat people who are minding their own business.
I agree. My problem isn't really the fat it is the unhealthy. Trust me, I look sideways at unhealthy skinny people too and I want EVERYONE (young, old, skinny, fat) to lift weights.
I'm not saying that kids (poor kids, especially) don't urgently need access to healthy foods, I'm just saying that the more I read about fat and its effects, the more I don't believe the hype.
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