Jun 14, 2012 08:16
So, I'm really dragging on my school stuff this summer semester. I don't have two particularly hard classes. It's just that one is done by an undergraduate proff and his choice of texts is like eating sand. I just don't have the motivation to do the work.
Work has been rather odd as well. A local reporter has taken a real liking to me. It's much better than a strong dislike; but I still have the innate fear every engineer has of a reporter. It's like a long tailed cat that needs to cross that room full of lightly sleeping rotweilers. One wrong move or one dog that wakes up and the whole room is on you! (and yes I think our "investigative journalists" are all asleep; if you doubt me, go watch the local or national news).
I also had to tell an employee he would not get a promotion. He has had three out of the last four annual evaluations "below expectations". Regardless of the reason or how much I personally like him, I can not promote someone with that kind of record. It sends a really bad message and isn't good management. Hard thing to do and he wasn't happy despite understanding the reasoning.
Throw in incessant meetings with little to no value and weeks of medical tests... it's no wonder I'm really grumpy and down right whiney.
Echo-cardiogram - good. no issues w/ no evidence of heart attack
Colonoscopy - one miniture polyp w/ no evidence of cancer
Endoscopy - slight herniated stomach from violent sneezes, will correct itself after alergy season
Urineanalysis - perfectly clean
All good news (except the rather large out-of-pocket expense). But I am tired of doctors, waiting rooms, and invasive tests. Plus my chest itches where they shaved it. Can I get some cheese?
Annual Training starts Saturday. First week will be here, but second week will be at Camp Beauregard. Seems we have to start this year's round of medical screenings. Want to cut some government waste and save some money in the military? QUIT SENDING EVERY SOLDIER TO A PSA EVERY YEAR!!!! ...especially when they just complete one of their 1 every 5 year total physicals!