Warning: this post contains an excess of HAPPY.

May 11, 2010 23:42



I spent most of the day sleeping in MY OWN BED. I took my dog for a walk with my mom. My parents and I went out to breakfast/lunch. My cat cuddled with me all last night. I have THE LAKE right outside my window. Life is goooooooood.

Plus, baseball, which was amazing and MY DAD CAUGHT A FOUL BALL. Well, when I say caught, I mean it was rocketed toward our seats, I ducked, some people behind us tried to catch it, it ricocheted a couple times, and landed in the my brother's seat while he was buying us hot dogs. And my dad picked it up. :D So now I have a foul ball sitting on my dresser. Normally, I would give it to a little kid, but I was too excited. Plus, I texted the IOM about it and he didn't believe me. So I had to keep it to show it to him. :P

Schleming! Bahahahaha

OMW THAT FACE. Making a face at Castle--ridiculous.

Speaking of ridiculous, Castle’s being insane with his need to beat Demming, but also sadly adorable.

The boys are so freakin’ cute with their Sex & the City routine.

Ahhhhh and Trucco’s raised eyebrows at Castle. Boy fight.

Hehe, Ryan. You need more screen time.

He raised his eyebrows again!

“This isn’t a competition.” Psh. As if. I’m rooting for Castle, but Nathan Fillon v Michael Trucco, I pick the Cylon any day.

Aw, bonding over being wrong about the case.

Demming can’t get a word in. Hehe, yay.


He’s going to see them kissing. Calling that one, too.

Calllllleeeeddddddd it.

Oh, he’s so sad and she’s so damn cute.

Moral of the story: Trucco's freakin' gorgeous but Demming makes Castle, and thus me, sad. Though he makes up for some of it by being so darn pretty.

1) Food! How much do you love it and what's your fave?

I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Especially now that 1.) I'm home and 2.) it's summer, which means I'll have access to better cooking ware and better ingredients.

I really love artichoke and I really love crab. My mom says they are both just an excuse to eat butter, but seriously. They are SO. GOOD. Real meals that I like include strawberry risotto and lasagna (both from our italian exchange student), an artichoke chicken pasta dish that my mom makes, chick pea curry that comes from a freakin' bag but is so good it's crazy. Bad food that I like--potato chips and french onion dip made with sour cream & a packet of lipton onion soup mix owns my soul.

2) You get to spend one day doing anything you want with no regrets, and no one will remember anything you did that day. Go crazy. What happens?

Honestly, I'd like to do drugs--but I feel like if I only have 24 hours, I can't really try them all. And I don't know how long getting high off cocaine or heroin or anything lasts, so I'm not even sure I would try one. I don't think I'd like to spend the whole day completely fucked up, I'd just like to see what it's like.

And, I feel like this is a bit obvious, I think I'd probably spend it with the IOM. It's not what I'd pick for a day where I can do anything I want but regrets are possible--it's no where near that. But if I have a chance to have no regrets with him, I'd take it. See what happens.

IOM or not--I'd probably want to have sex in lots of places. Be adventurous without the chance of being horribly embarrassed or a registered sex offender for the rest of my life. Outdoors. In a bathroom at a restaurant. On an airplane. That could be a pretty damn good day. :P

3) Who was the first fiction character you loved?

Probably Mrs. Piggle Wiggle or someone from Mr. Popper's Penguins. Those were the books I read over and over and over as a little kid.

The first TV character I ever really loved was Sydney Bristow from ALIAS. I was, what? ten years old? and just wanted to be her. She was gorgeous and strong and didn't need a guy there to always bail her out. She was a complete badass but without being incredibly emotionally fucked up, even if she had a right to be.

Recently, I loved Switters from Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates so much that when I finished the book I wanted to know more about his life. That doesn't usually happen, for me, with book characters--I've never been in a fandom of books. I think perhaps with books I've always trusted the writer because there were words in front of me, and that felt more true, and I trusted that the writer told me what I needed to know. After finishing Fierce Invalids, it wasn't that I was confused or didn't think the story had finished--I just wanted more. I wanted more of his adventures and ridiculousness.

4) What made you want to be a writer?

Gods, I have no idea. I have no idea what started it anyway--I can't remember a time I didn't love words, stories, characters. I've been writing since I was a little kid. We had Night Writes in third grade where every Tuesday we had a prompt and had to write something like three handwritten pages on it. I'd always type mine up and it would be way longer than necessary.

The thing I do know is that at some point I realized writing can help people just like being a doctor or a politician can. Obviously they are all different, but they can all help people, can all change people's lives. And I also realized that I don't have to write the next Great American Novel. When I was growing up, I read like crazy; there always need to be people who write books for kids, to get kids reading. I mean, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books are not exactly great literature, but they were my life for a while.

Books can make people think, laugh, cry, get away, feel better. I want a chance to do that.

5) What's your favorite childhood memory?

I have non-specific memories of playing with my first best friend, Lucas. He had an upstairs room with a TV and Sega and couches and things. We used to play pretend. When we were hungry we'd put Wheel of Fortune on the Sega with all the characters as computer players, eat pizza rolls and yell at the TV.

And I have memories of later best friends. Learning how to ski. Seeing how many verses of This Old Man we could get through before the chairlift got us to the top of the hill (I think we made eleven once).

I had a good childhood, but I don't have specific memories of what made it great. It's like the things I love now--hanging out with people I love on my beach; I don't necessarily remember what we talked about or who made what joke or how many times we went swimming. I just remember a blanket feeling of comfort and happiness. :)

Tomorrow will be baseball on TV (it was a rainout tonight so they're doing a day/night double header! :D), with Rick Porcello ♥ pitching. Excellent. Hopefully I will see my other sister, who should get a better nickname than other sister. In the evening, the 'rents and I are going out to dinner at a place where there'll be something like a 12-piece band playing--and various other people might come. I reallllly hope so! I've missed my other families.

Oh, also, Hill and I have a weekly word goal. We're going to write and send things to each other every Sunday, at least 1000 words. It will force us to keep writing and also to share and get feedback, which is something I often fail at doing. I'm going to try to not cheat and therefore not write fanfiction, but I hear there's another bsg_pornbattle this summer, and if I'm writing anywhere near the eight pieces I wrote for the last one, I won't necessarily have time to keep up with original fiction. But, anyway, I'm excited for a summer of writing.

Plus, I did a few crunches and push-ups today. I hope to increase the number as I go, but just doing any is a big first step for me. So, root me on. :)

rl: family, i am going to be a writer., lj user:liveonthesun, rl: other family, meme, tv: castle, home, i haz a happy, rl: hill, rl: iom

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