Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my ma and pa

May 05, 2010 15:10


It was quite anti-climatic, as I finished with a take home test. Usually it's something more like finishing a test, turning it in, and walking out of one of the academic buildings for the last time. Instead, it was, "Well. Um. I guess I'll email this to him. I'm done." But still very exciting.

BASEBALL SOON. We have ridiculously good tickets. I don't know exactly where, but in the "on-deck circle" section, which stretches from dugout to dugout, including behind home plate. *dies*

Mom seems nervous that I am sad that I'm coming home for the summer--since Texas, Roommate Boy (who will be Roommate Boy again for real!), and The Boyfriend are staying out here, together. But Portland doesn't have the Lake, or a beach, or les filles, or my family or Other Families, or Tigers baseball, or the IOM, or that feeling of home. Nowhere but Michigan will ever be home to me, especially in the summer. And this summer, the aunt and uncle aren't living with us, so I'll have my room again and much more peace and quiet. I will bike everywhere and write everything and I can't wait.


And Kate, really?! "I couldn't find you!" to Jack when Sawyer is lying there looking like he's dead? I'm sorry, when did we switch back to a Kate loves Jack world?


1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

01. Tell me about this "youth is for having fun" philosophy. My non-risk-taking brain does not comprehend it.

I think there is fun to be had in this world, a lot of it. And I'm not saying it's just limited to when you're young, but I think it's often easier to find when you're young.

I've been the good kid forever. I do well in school and I don't get in trouble and I don't really want to change it, but that's not how I want to be defined. It used to be, but it's not any more. I want to stay out late and play on playgrounds. I want to tease and play and be chased. I want to experiment with life.

I don't know who I really am yet, and if I don't go out and try different things, I'm afraid I'll never know. I think youth is a time when you're supposed to find yourself, and if you don't, too often you're stuck having to be a Responsible Adult and you never had the time to fool around and figure out who you were, who you wanted to be.

If you never take risks, you'll never know which ones are worth taking. To learn from mistakes you have to make them, otherwise you don't learn anything.

02. I want to know what your dream job is!
Writing. writingwritingwritingwriting.

I've come to realize I'm never going to be a career woman. Give me my family and my friends and my Lake (or something like it) and a chance to write, that's all I need. Ideally that chance to write would be my actual job, but I'll take what I can get.

I'd love to work on a TV show or movie, but I'd also be happy just writing short stories or novels or anything.

03. Where would you most like to travel?
I've already been to Hawaii, but it's my favorite place in the world. I'd like to go back. I'd also like to go back to Tanzania. ♥

As for places I haven't gone: Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, South America. I guess this is a list rather than one place, but I can't pick. I've been the places that I felt I absolutely had to go in my life, and I'm so grateful for that. So if I get another chance to travel, great, but I'm not picky.

04. You and I are running a heist. What are we stealing? How do we manage it? How do you spend your share of the profits?
Wow. I have no idea. I'd definitely be a steal from the rich jerks kind of heist-er, though. And it'd happen through a con--no guns blazing or anything like that. We would outwit our opponents.

I'd use my share of the profits to buy the house next to mine, and knock their stupid fence down. My neighbors are insane and the fence is the only one of its kind on the entire road because, I don't know, everyone else is more polite than that and realizes that it's absurd to block their neighbor's view. I'd probably also put in an outdoor shower, because I love outdoor showers. And then it could be my house and I could do everything I talk about in the other questions!

05. What's your ideal day look like?
July or August at home in Michigan. My Other Families come over. We laze on the beach and swim and play games and grill food. We sit in the sun and talk or read books and I'll probably write. At night we have a bonfire and/or play Taboo or charades or something.

It's nice, because this is something that actually happens. Maybe not all together (game playing often happens in the winter, when we have to spend the evening inside instead of looking at the stars), but most of it. And it's happened every summer for my entire life.

Your questions have managed to make me feel incredibly grateful for my life. ♥

rl: family, i am going to be a writer., rl: other family, rl: the boyfriend, meme, rl: roomate boy, college, rl: les filles, rl: texas, writing

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