sitting in a city that will never let me go/ what if i'm only satisfied when i'm at home

Mar 26, 2010 12:47

Oh, friends, my spring break was so wonderful!

Friday started early, the best way to start spring break. Plus, it involved this treehouse that is near campus in a ravine, and I haven't been there in forever and I love it so much. It was beautiful out, and if we hadn't had a basketball game to get back and watch, Texas and I would never have made it out of the ravine (It is steep and it was beautiful, the way the trees swayed with the wind). But we did! And then I watched my Spartans win their ball game, which always makes me happy.

Saturday, Texas and I watched a bit of a track meet that someone in our chem lab was in. She told us to go, so we went. Turns out--track meets are long and not the most exciting things in the world. We left, packed, climbed into two cars with Roommate Boy, The Boyfriend, Roommate Boy's new lady (!!!!), and Other Texas. Drove down to Roommate Boy's house in Southern OR--I alternated between the two cars whenever we stopped, and we played Botticelli, which is my favorite car game, most of the way.

Roommate Boy's house is *nice*. It's in a very pretty spot and is a very pretty house. We basically just ate and then went to sleep, though not without discovering that Kansas had lost in basketball, which was super exciting news.

Sunday we packed into one car (there was a lot of driving on this trip) and went to THE REDWOODS! OMW they are HUGE! Like three of my houses stacked on top of each other huge! It's crazy! We drove through the park while sitting outside the windows of the car to get better views. 'twas quiet lovely. We also went to the ocean and saw sea lions and A WHALE! and climbed around on rocks. That night we camped and played some ridiculous games.

Monday was mostly boring, just headed back to the house, and I wasn't feeling well, so I slept most of the time. We watched 24 and Castle, both of which were good. Katee Sackhoff's a terrizer! I love her anyway. And Castle, ♥

Tuesday we went to Crater Lake, which is GORGEOUS. We made a snowman and also a less appropriate snow figure. Other Texas did not approve. But the rest of us think we're funny. :P

Wednesday we played mini golf and came home!

It all was rather fantastic. I was very happy, and The Boyfriend has been less stressed out of late, meaning he is being completely adorable. My mom says she knows when we're getting along because apparently I talk more like him on the phone. I'm not really sure what that means, but it's kind of sickly cute anyway.

FINISHED MY FIC FOR bsg_remix!!!! It's my first time doing it, and I really liked it. I've offered to pinch hit if they need me, too. I miss writing.

I think I'm going home for the summer. I love it out here, and I know I'll miss people either way, but that's home. I always wanted to do big things with my life, but it turns out the biggest things in my life are the people. Summer will always be that house and that beach and everyone who shows up at that beach. Memorial Day softball games and Wednesdays at Wisners'. The more I travel, the more I realize I want to go home. The world is beautiful, and everyone should see as much of it as they have a chance to; I have wanderlust, but I have a home, too.

And I think this to myself every summer, but I'm really going to do it this time: write a lot and lose weight. I think I'm going to start biking around with a chair and a notebook and just stop and write wherever I feel like it. And eat from the Farmer's Market like it's my job.

Other Sister and I were talking on FB the other day, and we've realized we can do whatever we want with our lives, as long as we can feed ourselves. I feel like most of the time when you're told you can do whatever you want, it means, "Go accomplish big things." But we can also accomplish little things. We don't have to go save the world if that's not what we want; we can live in our little dinky small hometown with the people we've known our entire lives doing what we love, and that's okay. You're not a failure if you return to your hometown. I think it's good to leave it at some point, because you don't know what's out there if you don't, but it's always okay to go back.

i am going to be a writer., rl: other family, rl: the boyfriend, home, rl: roomate boy, rl: texas, rl, rl: other texas

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