Go right through for MSU

Feb 02, 2010 17:42

I am abandoning LJ, Facebook and Twitter due to the likelihood that someone will ruin LOST for me. Instead, Spartan basketball (oh please oh please oh please let us beat Wisconsin!) and eventually pizza and friends.

I think I might get a job, which is GREAT. Even if it is calling people and asking for money, which is less great. But it's a job and it pays more than any other job on campus, so I'll deal. I killed the phone interview today and have a real interview tomorrow. Wish me luck?

I just reread my novel from NaNoWriMo freshman year. Perhaps I could work on that and actually have a teenage girl book written. It's mostly written anyway, I'd just have to tinker and edit and rearrange. (Plus a teenage girl book should maybe not include sex, even though it's sad, not graphic, super important, last-time-we'll-ever-have-sex-cause-you-have-cancer sex.) It's not as bad as I remember.

trolliepop's LOST tweets have made my last couple days great. The ANTICIPATION is killing me in the best way (kinda like season three of Battlestar, I mean REALLY).

Oh also, hello adorable userpic made for me by leiascully. Thanks, love!

lj: leiascully, i am going to be a writer., lost, lj: trolliepop

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