I gotta start watching Community

Jan 29, 2010 10:37

Finishing Pride & Prejudice this weekend. Hopefully going to either Sonic or Arby's. Or maybe both?

Hope those in the ice are safe and happy!

1.) During my childhood, my life was very much in stages. I had the softball stage, where every summer I played on the (usually) winning team in the Kids' League in my town. There was the acting stage, where I spent so much time doing theatre I can hardly believe it. There was the 4-H stage, where I rode horses (western) and raised a goat for shows. And there was the Science Olympiad stage, which lasted most of my life, really. I wish now, I could combine all those stages and continue them, because I still love all of those things, and I've lost touch with most of them.

2.) I collect Sweet 'N' Low. Also, pop can tops, though that's not as compulsive. I don't really know why; I just know that I started one day and have never stopped. Sometimes, if they're important, I write where they are from on the package--like "January 07. Met Justin Verlander." or something. I have hundreds.

3.) There are some people from whom I expect complete acceptance, and forget that I don't necessarily have it. It means sometimes I say or do things I maybe shouldn't, and then immediately feel guilty. But when I think about it, it's not that I'm doing or saying bad things. They are perhaps unexpected and unusual, but in no way bad. I feel less guilty then.

4.) I've always been smart, but it's no longer the most important thing to me. When I was younger, it was my easiest way to get noticed, and I was all about being noticed. Now I'd rather have fun and be silly than be academic. I love still love intellectual discussions and good grammar and all that jazz, but there are things much, much more important than school.

5.) The only thing I know I want to do with my life is live where I grew up, and that scares the hell out of me. I know that I won't be able to for a long time, since my parents still live there. And really, I might not get enough money to live there at all. That's also scary. Really I'm just afraid that I won't accomplish things I want to accomplish and/or I won't be happy.

6.) Part of the reason I maintain my LJ is #3. Plus, it's just easier to find people online who are as geeky about stuff as me--though I'm often afraid I'm too enthusiastic at being friends with people. I talk about my LJ friends in real life because they are a big part of it. I'd like to meet you one day.

7.) You know how people say that in war, when there are severe injuries like legs blown off or something, they break the person's pinky to take their mind of their legs? It doesn't seem true, doesn't seem like a broken pinky would do that, but oh my god, it hurts so much. I broke my pinky in the first half of an indoor soccer game and continued to play the rest of the game. As a goalie. It's just that I'm competitive and it was a competitive game, so there was never enough of a lull to substitute a new goalie, in my opinion. It was incredibly, incredibly painful.


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