Next year's Halloween costume: Land Shark.

Nov 30, 2009 15:42

Oh, how homesick I have been. Not in a bad way, so much as in a "I need to go read everyone's livejournals and feel better" sort of way. I am ready for coldness and family and friends who are basically family. I miss people who have known me longer than three months, and a lot of y'all fall into that category, even if we've never met.

But in only 5 days I shall go to Europe, where it will be cold and two girls who, while only knowing me for three months, are absolutely amazing will accompany me. They'll be with me in London, then I'll do Dublin on my own, and then I'm skipping Strasbourg and just doing Nantes. I'm sad to miss Strasbourg, but I lost my free place to stay, and my friend is just going to come to Nantes instead so I'll still get to see her. Oh, FRANCE! I am so excited to see you again. It will be so new too, having never gone in the winter. Which brings me to, Oh, CHRISTMAS! I miss Christmas lights and snow and coldness and Christmas music on so often I want to break the radio. I'm not religious, so I celebrate "Christmas Without Jesus", which basically just means everyone I love gets together and has a lot of food, drink and conversation, and shows each other we love each other. That seems to me important enough to be a holiday.

I already have a sledding date for winter break, so there better be enough snow.

Please comment! About anything! I miss communicating with people I love, and I love you flist.

Ooh--also, congrats to NaNo winners. The only ones I know of on my flist are luminous_lu and astropixie. Yay for you! :D

lj: luminous_lu, lj: astropixie, africa

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