FIC: when the world ends, BSG, Kara/Lee

Jun 27, 2009 01:47

Title: when the world ends
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Spoilers: I suppose Lay Down Your Burdens
Summary: We will rise as the buildings crumble/Float there and watch it all/Amidst the burning, we'll be churning/You know, love will be our wings/The passion rises up from the ashes/When the world ends
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. The words are.
A/N: Written for bsg_pornbattle to the prompts "apocalypse" and "I'm down with you even on the eve of destruction."

There are bombs falling and Lee can't help but think that all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.

Except Kara hasn't ever kissed him quite like this.

Gaius Baltar announced that they were settling on New Caprica three days ago. And now apparently the Cylons have found them and are going to wipe them out for good, and instead of fighting, instead of fighting and shooting and killing as many frakkin' toasters as they can before they go out, they're kissing like the world is going to end. It already has. And the new world is ending too.

All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.

They were on a recon mission. It was more a hiking trip than a mission--see what's out there, report back--and they had packed about forty water bottles between them, taken a radio, and headed for the mountains in the distance. They made the foothills when Kara started the water fight that turned into wrestling that would have turned into more except for the distance booms.

The foothills happen to have an exceptional view of the end of the new world. It's not as spectacular, probably, as the last end of the worlds, because there are no collapsing buildings this time, just tents and Raptors that don't even make it off the ground. There's screaming radio chatter for about ten seconds and then communications go out.

Lee's about to take off for the fight, but they've been hiking for hours, and it will be over by the time he gets there. Instead he lets Kara grab his arm and spin him to her. Instead he lets his mouth open under hers and lets her take control. She'll fight him for it anyway, and probably win, it's easier just to surrender at the beginning.

It was a hot day; they had already stripped to their tanks as they hiked. He brushes his fingers up her sides and over her breasts, her nipples hard even through the layers of fabric. He's too focused on her tongue in his mouth and the way she still somehow manages to make little noises in the back of her throat; he can't do more than skim his hands over her chest.

The ground shakes beneath them and he refuses to open his eyes.

He drops his mouth to her neck and she moans, fingers digging into the nape of his neck.

"Gods, Lee."

She's craning her neck and it makes the tendons stand out. He nips at them, then brushes the bite marks with his tongue. His hands anchor at her hips; he doesn't bother with her tanks yet. If it's really the end this time, he wants to take it slow.

But Kara pushes him backward, and he stumbles into a cliff-face behind him and she's already trying to get her hands down his pants. He laughs and grabs her wrists.

"C'mon Lee," she growls. "It's not like we've got all the time in the world."

His eyes flicker back to the clouds of smoke in the distance. People he loves are dying. But not all of them, he thinks, and looks back at Kara. He brushes a bang out of her face and kisses her nose. She wrinkles her face and giggles. Then tries to use the distraction to succeed in getting her hands down his pants this time.

He can't help but buck into her grasp. She beams at him.

"The mythical Arrow of Apollo."

"Not so mythical, huh?"

"But just as magnificent," she laughs and grips him tight.

His eyes close. Somehow he can't hear the explosions if he tries; Kara's breath loud in his ears.

"Frak me, Apollo."

He spins her around, pushing her back into the rocks and he probably leaves scrapes but it's not like they're going to be alive tomorrow. She's still grinning, which means she hasn't lost control yet. He's determined to get that smirk off her face before the world ends.

Wedging a leg between her thighs, he kisses her--hard enough that she'd crane her neck if it weren't for the rocks behind her head. Instead she growls and pushes back. He pulls her tanks over her head. Her nipples are clearly visible through the black sports bra. He traces them with his index fingers, keeping his eyes on hers; pinches, once, twice--her eyes flutter close and she rubs against his leg.

One hand on her hip--bare skin, a sheen of sweat, and he's pretty sure he's never going to let go--the other pulls her bra up. He's too desperate to pull it all the way off, so he settles for far enough to expose her nipples to her mouth. He sucks one, brushes kisses across the valley between breasts, and sucks the other nipple into his mouth. Her hands tangle in his hair; it's too short for a good grip.


The sun's probably burning their skin and the Cylons are definitely burning their tent city and they're making their own fire, pooling between their hips. Hers are bony, and she juts them at him like he needs the hint. He bites her nipple and says, "Patience."

"Is for suckers," she mutters, pulling the bra the rest of the way off. "And people who aren't going to die within the hour. Gods, Lee, isn't a guy supposed to like it when you can't wait to have him inside you?"

That makes him groan, and she probably smiles, but he's too busy kissing down her stomach to her waist and unbuttoning her pants with one hand to look up. She rolls her hips into his hands. Pants over hips, down to ankles and they both giggle as four hands come down to get her huge frakkin' boots off so she can get properly naked.

He's only unzipped, tanks still on and everything, and she makes like she's going to fix this, but he pushes her hands away.

Kara Thrace. In all her glory. The way the light glints of her skin, he's not sure he's the one who deserves the title of sun god.

He presses in, pushes her against the rocks again and brushes his nose against the crease of her thigh. She shudders. He can't wait any longer, slides a finger into her.

"Gods Kara, you always get this wet when the world ends?"

She whimpers in response. But he just brushed his thumb over her clit so he didn't expect much else. She's squeezing around his finger, like she's trying to get more, more, more inside her, and he obliges by adding two more fingers.


He strokes in and out, slowly, watching her face. She's not grinning anymore. Her eyes are closed and she's biting her bottom lip and grinding down on his hand. He brushes her clit again and elicits another whimper.

"Look at me, Kara."

She does, and he only makes eye contact for a second before burying his face against her, sucking at her while his fingers speed up. She rises on a high note, oh, oh, oh and comes.

He kisses his way up her body, gives her a chance to recover. His wet fingers trace her nipples and make her shiver. When she finally opens her eyes, he's right there in front of her. He kisses her nose again and she giggles again and again manages to get her hands down his pants. He laughs as she pushes them over his hips.

"Enough foreplay. Gods."

He laughs again, rips his tanks over his head and kicks off the boots, pants, and boxers in a maneuver that almost makes him fall over. She pulls him to her.

"What, no teasing?" he grins.

"I want to frak you a lot more than I want to tease you."

She wraps her hands around his shoulders, his go under her ass and lift her and then she's there, sinking around him and Gods if she moves he's going to come.

"Don--Don't move." His staccato breath tickles her face.

"Yeah," she says, and "Frak," and he'd agree if he could think.

Finally he thrusts. Once. Pulls out agonizingly slowly and she bites his neck. He thrusts again, builds up a rhythm, sucks at her collar bone, and she arches into him. Gods her nipples are pressed into his chest and if he could bend his neck enough he'd pull them between his teeth. He settles for giving her a necklace of hickies.

He goes slow and steady until they're dripping sweat. Until Kara's whimpers get louder with every thrust. Until he can't quite control the speed of his hips. She breaks with a sob, body rigid then shuddering. It's when she moans, "Leeeeee," in that mostly breathless voice that he comes, buried in her and he thinks the ground would be shaking even if bombs weren't dropping.

They catch their breath together, his nose against her neck. She wiggles, so he lifts her off of him, and is jealous when her legs seem a lot steadier than his. She starts getting dressed.

"No Kara," he shakes his head. "Naked is good."

She laughs at him. "Gods, you're mellow when you've been well-frakked."

He gives her a smile and it just makes her laugh harder.

"C'mon, Apollo, get dressed," she tosses him clothes. "There are toasters to kill."

fanfiction, lee adama, fic: bsg, kara thrace, kara/lee

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