If I were a werewolf, tonight would be the night of my transformation

Feb 08, 2009 20:46

(aka: there is a beautiful full moon).

I am going to Africa. Africa. I get this way after our Sunday meetings for the trip, when I suddenly realize I'm going to Africa. Kenya and Tanzania for a semester. And maybe more afterward, because the trip ends the first week in December and our only obligation is to be back for school in the middle of January (though I will probably return for Christmas and all that). I may cavort to Europe to be with friends studying abroad there. And Spain! I have never been to Spain, so it is a goal.

But yes, Africa. We had kids from last semester's trip come in and talk to us. I am already in love with the continent I have decided. I am going to find a story there. I find stories every time I travel. I am going to be a writer. I am certain. In fact, I just read a passage for my nonfiction class that made me think of...me:

"I too, if I may mention myself, have always known that my destiny was, above all, a literary destiny--that bad things and some good things would happen to me, but that, in the long run, all of it would be converted into words." - Jorge Luis Borges, Blindness

Hunter S. Thompson (that's what I'm calling him now) and I have decided to have weekly bouts of writing. Or I suppose weekend bouts of writing. Except our Saturdays are so very full soon. This Saturday = Valentine's Day, Hunter's birthday, and me at a Science Olympiad invitational. Next Saturday = my birthday. Saturday after = he being adorable and flying across the country for a girl. Saturday after = me on a retreat with the Africa kids. Saturday after = Science Olympiad State.

Ridiculous, yes?

I am especially inspired for the moment, but I must go read for Constitutional Law, which is also inspiring but in a different way. I have done a good job writing my fic for kinky_hearts, though I must finish it. Oh smut for Valentine's Day, you are so silly. But I forget that someone will write something for me, and then I remember and it makes me happy/laugh. I have been using parentheses lately in fics. I'm not sure if it's silly or not. I am also on the lookout for good West Wing fics, if anyone knows any.

I am going to start watching Battlestar Gallactica. Really I am. Because they are the pretty. They are "I want to go to there" pretty. That is my new measure of pretty.

Talk to me, flist.

college, i am going to be a writer., africa, writing

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