Apr 02, 2005 11:36
So now for a reall update, as opposed to my April Fools' yesterday, which came off about as well as I expected, except I wasn't expecting to get Debo as good as I got her. I thought the person to fall for it would be someone else, wasn't sure who. Anyways. My plans for the weekend, or rather my to do list for the weekend:
Taxes and FAFSA
Latin homework (all five poems translated and scanned, type up vocabularly I don't know into a screensaver)
laundry and shower
organize my freaking notebooks and clean up my desk
finish micro lab (look at and measure stuff)
Labanotation (try finding compositions, do assignments)
read micro text
play with making graphs for Exper. Design, otherwise known as Excel 101, zzzzzzzzzzz.
That should keep me busy for today and tomorrow. oy. but hey, if I get it all done, I'm not going to have much to worry about next week. Happy thought.