Dec 11, 2005 17:59
Its been a really really strange few days. Went to give a stacey and
others moral support at the blood donar place and ended up having to
sit outside till those lil fuzzy dots went away. Hmmm, me.. a wimp?
nah. Saturday I finished all my Christmas shopping, and wrapped it all as well. Talk about organised.
We had a work meal at Bistro on the Quay on saturday night where every
employee including our boss and lil Jess, who's only young, got fairly
wasted. There were 5 bottles of wine spread over the tables and 6 of us
got through the one we had and two others before any other table
finished one, not that I really like wine that much but stole Tony's
beer later on. Lots of strange convosations were had and he said some
things that may have scared me more if I was sober. The food was
actually really good, I was worried I'd have to pretend to like it.
After the meal he made a speach and told us all how much he loved us
and to show how much we love him to we took him to the vodka bar
nextdoor with us. Where he started shouting in my ear "Why are they
playing the music so loud?!". Bless him I'm sure he had a great time
really. They have fruit salad shots!!
Got to work this morning to see everybody running around like crazy and
looking fairly hungover. Had people trying to get in at like ten, ten
thirty, when there was a *massive* sign on both front doors saying
"Sale starting, open today at 12" Serious can they not read? Had people
queing up outside from half eleven and within 5 minutes of opening all
the carefully place shoes were mixed up in the wrong size bit or on the
floor. Not like a douzen people didn't spend hours sorting it all or
anything. Day went fairly quick though and I reckon working is the best
hangover cure. Headaches all gone and I can sleep in till like half one
tomorrow and still get to school on time.