Jan 09, 2006 13:48
ahhh first day of classes not so bad so far. Statistics seems like its gunna be more math than i had anticipated which i hate. but my bio 152-153 classes are awesome i think, gunna be some work, but i love science-y things. the main thing i hate about statistics is that is at 8am. the thing i hate about bio is that it lasts from 10:50-2:05, which today we got out of the lab part early though, thank god--im so damn tired. I also dont know a SOUL in my bio classes, and i sit with 2 bitches that wont fucking shutup about washing clothes, and some guy that didnt bring a pencil or paper which i had to loan him both lol. My other 2 classes are online Political Science, and GET THIS--Online Cross-Training!! lol, i had to have something fill that last credit hour, and it seemed decent enough lol. I rochambeaued 2 of my bio books today, and imma try to get more tomorrow, and whatever i cant get at school, i guess ill order online.
welp i guess imma make me something to eat and get ready for work. before i go to work, imma stop my the highschool and see my lovely.
keep on keepin' on!!