Nov 21, 2005 00:27
2 monthiversary today! I got home last night around 3am, went to bed about 4am, and was pleasantly woke up this morning by brittany at 10:30 am with breakfast from DQ surprise for our 2 month thingy (aint she the sweetest sumbitch ever?). Well we spent about an hour together even tho i could barely stay awake at the first of it lol. After she went home, i called into work for a legit reason? After that i got ready and headed up her house and we put up her christmas tree!! it was fun. She made me do all the work ;) and let me tell u what it is a FUCKING BEAUTIFUL TREE. Hell all the good ideas for the tree came from me. We didnt have a tree topper thing so we took these stick thingys and put on top of it, and it looked wonderful to everyone at her house except her lol. HER MOM COOKED FOR US!!! im in love with the whole family lol... after we finished the tree and food, we played Chutes and Ladders, and Guess Who...yeah i know but it was fun though :D. After that we watched GUESS WHO!! same as the fucking game we played, u smellin a trend? Well after we finished that movie we watched umm.. Bring It On Again i think thats what it was...after that i came home and now here i am. All in all, today ranked wayyy up there on my list of favorite days with her, even though there are way too many to count. But also i need to remind myself to let her borrow my camera and take some pictures of the tree so i can post on here :D. Im actually really excited about Christmas (X-Mas ;]). i already ordered 2 of britts presents. i've pretty much got em all figured out, i thought it'd be hard to buy for her, but instead of getting one huge thing, imma get her like 5-7 smaller things that way if i get a tree at my house (we normally dont, and without mom here--im kinda cheap) and we put the presents under it that it will look less homely than normal lol.
i cant fucking wait until thanksgiving, my mom might actually be cooking HERE...theres a turkey in my fridge she must have stopped by and put in--that would be so weird--her cooking AT MY HOUSE! i'd shit myself. That would mean imma have thanksgiving here, britts grandparents, my mamaws, and possibly 2 other of my family members houses. yeah, im tore all to hell.
i guess thats all for now, seasons greetings? spose' ta' snow thiz week