Jan 01, 2010 13:55

I had a great New Year's Eve. We rented a condo and had a party with a bunch of friends. Unfortunately due to their schedules not everyone was there at once but it was still a good time.
Last year was the catalyst of life changes for me. I went back to school thinking that I needed to get some kind of education and training to supplement our income. Through the people I have met there my life has taken a complete turn and instead of becoming a high school teacher like I had planned, and staying in our little community forever, it looks like I will be going into military intelligence for the Guard and then who knows where from there. (I'm thinking maybe NSA) At the very least starting in May I will be spending close to a year and a half away from my family (first at basic training and then AIT and Linguist school) That will be hard but I'll come out of it with so much more skills and training (and a second language) than I ever imagined.
Linguist school scares me a little, if I flunk out I get a dishonorable discahrage. No "Here try a different language" just a nasty mark on my permanant record that keeps me from qualifying for government loans and even voting in some states. Yeah, no pressure there.
I am jumping a bit ahead of myself, I do have to first take and pass the DLAB (Defense language aptitude battery). I'm taking it Tuesday and I'm really nervous but not extremely worried.
Wow that was long. I guess it makes up for my lack of posting recently.
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