Department of Information
Western North American Subdivision
Tuesday December 30th, 2223
Re: Re: Interoffice Memorandum From: Erica Susan Green
To: Harold Elijah Liese
Whether you have a good reason for your drop in numbers or not is not important. In the last year your Eisenberg performance ratio has dropped by 11.9%, the fact of which cannot be disputed. This is the primary reason for your reduced funding for the coming year. There is only a limited amount of money to go around.
You and Project Culture Shock are to be congratulated for your team's efforts when it comes to the Gillan file. However, that was discovered a year and a half ago. It is the belief of this department that whatever was to be gained from that particular endeavor has already been gained. The consumers may be fascinated with the past, but there is only so much that can be gained from that group of files. People don't care about a group of unimportant people from the twentieth century. It is this department's belief that there is little potential for greater discovery from that data mine.
Regarding Kevin Treacy (KAT-Laurel), you are correct in that you have the authority to continue provisional drops, no matter how much of your budget you spend to do so. While there has been no evidence of his death, there has also been no evidence as to his survival. According to my records, no communications have been received from KAT in a year and a half. I would point out that the money you have been spending on these drops could be better used to fund the other projects that you promise breakthroughs from.
I do understand that Mr. Treacy has proved a profitable asset in the past. However, I will not authorize any transport pod to be sent to his location without evidence of his survival. It is your responsibility to find this evidence, not mine. However, it being the holiday season, I have decided to help you out as much as I can here. There is an oil barge docked in Sacramento in the service of the maritime division scheduled to be scrapped next week, called InfoCorp Barge 568. I have arranged for it's scheduled scrapping to be postponed 6 months, and its usage to be transferred to you. The 568 contains all the diving equipment you will need to confirm KAT's status.
IF KAT is alive and IF he has discovered data of value, I may reconsider the size of your budget cut. However, based on the current situation of your project, the budget will go forward as is. Please forward a project budget based off of the current projection to my secretary by the end of the week.
As for Project Falling Star, I am disappointed in your assessment of their potential. The project is well organized and well run, and shows great promise for future discovery.
I have heard good things about the new Human Resources head from my mother, who recently appointed him. I will pass along your best wishes for the holidays to him when I see him at the company New Year's party.
Happy New Year,
Erica Susan Green
Western North America Department of Information Director
P.S. I hope you enjoy the holiday gift I sent you. I hope you can find space for it on your desk, it is always so cluttered. Enjoy!