Feb 11, 2010 09:27
Gaming under 30 minutes (because that's all I could stand):
Darksiders: Button-masher with substandard writing; could have been interesting with the Revelations mythology. Good thing I borrowed this one.
Resident Evil 5: They've made five of these things? I hope the first four were actually fun. Not a shooter but an on-rails third-person walker/toggle LS back and forth repeatedly. Your characters do stupid things. Purchased on sale during the holidays. Will be EBaying this one.
Gaming under 30 hours:
Mass Effect 2: Wait! This corridor leads into a room with crates. Better press A to cover. Level design/combat effectiveness is atrocious. Did not enjoy using biotics nearly as much in 2 as in 1. Did enjoy throwing baddies from the moving platforms during the endgame.
The writing is mostly competent. The structure is a little thin, however, as the vast majority of the narrative derives from your crew's "loyalty" missions (much better on a whole than Dragon Age's companion missions). There are too few main plot-related quests.
The game does pull you in and keeps you there, and it's not until it's over that you really start thinking about all the things that keep ME2 from being a great game.
Might pick up Bioshock 2 sometime in the future, but it seems like a pointless sequel to me. Bioshock did what it needed to do, and I preferred the non-Big Daddy levels.