I donated blood today! \o/ Aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm really tired and unfocusy. :| Maybe I'll have some fun with my woozy brain and try to watch some sort of trippy movie. I've been meaning to watch the second Shippuuden movie, Kizuna, come to think of it....
Speaking of, still lolling over episode 115. I flailed about it at
capslocky_joy already, but still. Yogurt. Man, that's some great crack. aaaaaaaand shipping them in 5, 4, 3....
It's been great RP'ing lately. :D Especially now that I can attend chats.
I'm considering a totally new batch of icons, but I keep putting it off because sob I love the ones I have right now. MAYBE IF I GOT A PAID ACCOUNT FOR MY BIRTHDAY...
Re: Naruto chapter 459, :| :| :| I was all set to like it and be excited about the events that happened in it and the lovely color pages and Sasuke and la la la when OUT OF THE SKY! IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A PLANE! NO! IT'S....GENDERFAIL!!!!!!!! *cries self to sleep*
Working on some new fanmixes. :D BTW, should I be putting them under friendlocks so the RIAA doesn't come set me on fire?