So, I went on vacation (to Virginia Beach, fyi, with
jaderhade ) without telling anybody again. WHY DO I DO THIS? Sigh...
~I burned like a lobster. To give you some background, the last time I had a severe sunburn was when I was about seven years old. SO YEAH.
~I bought cute things! I bought some jewelry and a beach coverup and this long skirt from thsi tiny mysterious Indian shop that smelled like curry. But it is a wonderful skirt.
~When Jade and I were at a restaurant together, our waiter bought us dessert because he was late or something. We were like, "HOLY CRAP WE MUST BE REALLY SEDUCTIVE OR SOMETHING."
~There was a lightning storm on Wednesday night. It was super cool. We watched it from the hotel room balcony.
~I finally finished Full Metal Panic! Best. Anime. Ever. Kaname Chidori is my favorite female anime character in existence, Sousuke Sagara is the best thing in the history of ever, and Leonard Testarossa is face porn. Like, if there could be porn of only a face, it would be him. A morally ambiguous White-Haired Pretty Boy Aloof Older Brother with unreadable motives, belonging to an evil organization? That's, like, every single anime kink I have. Every one.
~There was an Art Expo on the Boardwalk. Art is cool. I dragged Jade around to see them all and guh why are there so many talented people in the world
~Re: Shippuden Episode 114: Sasuke's new name is Mr. Pouty Grumpyface McGrumperson, forever. Also, all this episode has done is add about seven more reasons why Itachi owns everybody ever to the pile of reasons. AND THERE WAS ANKO.
~Re: Naruto chapter 452: BAAAAAAAW SOB SAIIIIIIIIIII~~~
~Very tired.