Doing a silly meme to keep myself from posting an entry looking something like "HOMG THE SPOILARS FOR NARUTO 439 HOMG HOMG HOMG *IS DEAD*". You know.
It's simple: provide a muse/character name and I will answer the following questions. This can apply to RP, but I'll go out on a limb and say any character you've ever seen me write a lot.
01. Full
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01. Full name: Suoh Tamaki (was there more? Probably was...)
02. Best friend: Ohtori Kyouya
03. Sexuality: So very straight.
04. Favorite color: Pink! For it is so very manly~
05. Relationship status: Single, if you can call what he does "single"
06. Ideal mate: It is most certainly not his lovely daughter Haruhi! FOR SHAME~
07. Turn-ons: That cute blush Haruhi does~
08. Last sexual experience: Leaning up close to some girl and telling her what a beautiful mermaid princess she is.
09. Favorite food: at the moment, commoner fruit snacks~
10. Crushes: Haruhi~
11. Favorite music: Piano music, mostly Mozart
12. Biggest fear: That the family will break up.
13. Biggest fantasy: Haruhi packing him a lunchbox, wearing a cute pink apron, and kissing him on the cheek as he runs out the door.
14. Quirks in bed: Has none, is a virgin
15. Bad habits: Not being very bright, being very self-obsessed, sometimes forgetting to brush his teeth before bed.
16. Biggest regret: That he can't see his mother. D:
17. Best kept secrets: None. Everybody knows his secrets, really. XD
18. Last thought: "Those hooligan twins! My poor daughter!"
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Um...when those Zuka club girls came in and were totally unimpressed with him.
20. Biggest insecurity: Whenever someone hates him, he feels awful. Even if it's something over which he has no control.
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