Breaking Dawn release party update of wintastic fail...or failtastic win

Aug 02, 2008 08:35

wickedxxlovelydragged me to a BD release party along with

It was, surprisingly, fantastically awesome.

So, I was the only one out of the three of us not wearing a costume or Twilight t-shirt.  I was wearing a whole bunch of tattoos that came with my special edition copy of New Moon, though--"Jacob" and "Bella" on opposite cheeks, "Edward" on my collarbone, "New Moon" on my right ankle, and a small flower on my left foot.  We went to a Borders (I made Loren watch episode 1 of Naruto on the way down--because I refuse to be only one of two Narutards in my circle of friends) and signed in and stuff, and I went and bought ridiculous amounts of books (I HAVE NO WILLPOWER SOMEONE KILL ME), and then we settled in for the party.  I had a "Team Jacob" sign that Loren made, and croissant_fairy had a "Team Edward" sign, so we were doing the whole back-and-forth thing.  I went and bought a Javanilla shake while the other two participated in trivia.

Then there was a debate.


I win at debates.  It was basically "Edward vs. Jacob," and omfg over three-quarters of the people there were squealing Edward fanbrats.  Not that I'm saying all Edward fans are, just... most of these particular ones were.  I almost felt bad for any Edward fans in the crowd who were old/smart/self-respecting enough to be as appalled as I was.  So the other, like, twelve Jacob fans and I held our own perfectly against such arguments as, "Bella should be with Edward because Edward is a really hot vampire."  (This is a direct, exact quote,  It will be bruned into my brain forever.)

My initial argument: Bella should be with Jacob because their relationship is a bit more on an equal footing, i.e. in age, in level of respect for each other, and healthier than with Edward--because she can actually go a couple days without being with Jacob without dissolving into a weeping ball.

An argument against my argument: (paraphrased because I don't exactly remember the wording): But, Bella should be with Edward because they love each other and because she can't be without him--"because that's what real love is."

Me, internally: "Oh, my Lord in heaven.  I...I can't believe you just tried to tell me that Superglue is the key to real love."  ( I wanted to throw up--the girl arguing this point should never be allowed to fall in love, ever.  I pity the guy to whom she Velcroes herself.)

An awesome Team Jacob argument not made by me: "They're not soulmates.  Because Edward has no soul."

I got to make the closing Jacob argument: Jacob had to work to make Bella love him.  Edward just sparkled at her and she melted into a puddle.  Jacob had to put work and time and effort into showing her how much he loved her.  He had to pursue her and win her and demonstrate to her--and I think that shows he really, really loved her.  Whereas Edward left her and was willing to throw her away just to satisfy his warped view of who she should and shouldn't love--Jacob would never do that.  Yeah, he acts like a jerk and comes off as selfish and wanting--but sometimes love is selfish and wanting.  He's selfish because he sees Bella as someone precious and valuable and worth wanting.  Edward never had to work--he had her from day one.

I have to admit, though--Loren's mom had the best argument of all: "I say both.  Because sometimes, you want it hot, and sometimes, you want it cold."  XD XD

Adn then they had a posterboard with stuff you could write on it, and there was a section of "What do you think Bella's power will be when/if she becomes a vampire?"   I wrote "Wangst & EMO."  (XD  I'm a jerk.)

I just--I ended up having so much fun there talking to fellow fans and debating and being loud and obnoxious and waving my sign at people and squealing about Jasper and arguing over whether Bella and Edward could have babies (Me: "She'd eventually go through menopause, right?  She'd have to run out of eggs."  Loren's mom: "They could conceive before she turns into a vampire."  Me: "So then the vampire poison will go to her womb, and the fetus will be all, '*sssss*  AIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~"  Loren's mom: "That--  Ah--  XD")

So basically, here's a shoutout to my two homeslices: AWESOME TIMES, YOU GUYS.

I have to go to work soon, and I'm debating whether to start reading now, or wait until I get home.  If I start now, it's going to bother me all day.  On the other hand, I could bring it and delicately read it in front of all the tweens in the library, and they could ask, "C-Can I take that out?" and I could say, "No.  Becuase this is myyyyyyyy copy.  8P"  Oooh, that is tempting...

real life, jacob black, asdhjdksl, epic win, twilight

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