Jan 17, 2011 10:48
So, back at school now. Trying to obtain some of my older course books for free on the internet (i.e. Communist Manifesto, Nietzsche, etc) so I don't have to pay too much. Ahahah, that's a pipe dream, isn't it? anyway.
I don't really think I've been doing things interesting enough to warrant LJing about them (the most interesting things are also things I don't really want on the Internet in public places, if you follow me). Mostly whining IRL about going back to Offset for two weeks - I needed the money, but not the emotional painnnnnnn. Happy to be back with my friends, less happy to be back with Taylor Swift (aka third suitemate, if you were following my drama back in October and November).
RPing like a mad thing. I keep apping new characters. I may grow to hate myself - lol oh wait. No, seriously, RP is the only thing that keeps me sane nowadays.
Mostly, I've just been hiding my face from the looming specter of ADULTHOOOOOD. I have many important things to do this semester which will help pave the way for my future etc. etc. etc. Also I have to find an internship for the summer or I will kill myself. Also also I'm going to Japan in September holy shit I don't think I am ready aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. SO yeah. Much emoing.
Oh, and my roommate got me volume 53 of Naruto in the original Japanese for Christmas. *___* it's the one with BABY SASUKE AND CHIBITACHI AAAAAAH.
brb hating self,
rp dorkage,
/rips hair out,
crazy random has gone insane,
college talk,
blah blah blah anxt blah,
roommate woes,
language barrier blah blah,
being productive,
bleh work