Oct 09, 2010 12:14
I freaked out last night when I found out that RAF took down all their Animorphs e-book downloads, since I only had up to #23 and I wanted to canon review this weekend for an RP muse, but then I found an alternative forum site where they were all available for download! I had to flash back to my middle school days and post on the board five times in order to get permission to the links, but it was worth it. I have them all in .PDF and a backup set in .TXT now. It's days like these that I effing love the internet.
At home now, chillaxing with the fam and doing my paper on the Bible (due Wednesday, aka the day we get back from break e__e). I got a full eight hours of sleep and it was glorious.
Life is great.
Also thinking about a new moodtheme :/a
the internet is really really great,
books glorious books,
life is beautiful